SERVERS OF THE DIVINE PLAN - The Destiny of Ages is Nigh
THIS WORK IS NOT THE RESULT OF CHANNELLING (mediumship), but is the product of a continuing and natural process of remembrance which has been expedited by our own uncompromising and full-time search across four continents from 1990 to 1999. During that period we left not one stone unturned in our ardent quest to uncover the genuine truth of the times and to solve the enigma of our growing and peculiar inner senses and spiritual experiences.
The information revealed in this book will be of interest and especial benefit to certain individuals who are beginning to penetrate the veil of forgetfulness, which has been necessarily imposed upon them by their own divine intelligence and by the laws pertaining to incarnation on Earth. Specifically addressed are those individuals who are presently undergoing the foreordained process of remembrance themselves, and who, in being stimulated by the rising frequencies of Aquarian energy, are becoming aware of the duty and service that they came to render at this time upon Earth and which, in turn, is the purpose of their incarnation.
However, the message contained within these pages is not exclusive. This book may benefit everyone alike because the process of transformation and awakening that is being exemplified by certain unique groups of souls in physical embodiment today parallels that which all humanity must undergo in order to be eligible to enter the New World, the birth of which is now very close.
The truth revealed herein contains catalytic seeds which, when recognised by those who are able, may serve to rekindle vague soul-memories and so contribute toward spiritual reorientation and awakening. Such awakening is both timely and necessary today, for we have arrived at a most critical juncture in the onward journey of both our planet and mankind. The planetary deadline for the advent of an unprecedented spiritual consciousness on Earth is imminent, and all who would gain access to the Portal leading into the New World are now being called to awaken and to arise in readiness to assist those amongst humanity who will accompany them.
A growing percentage of the human population are today remembering something of the intelligent design and infallibility of the Divine Plan for Earth at this time and their role to play in it. It is in such remembrance that we wish to fulfil our duty to all people in every part of the world, and we are especially devoted to helping in the recalling process for those who came specifically to aid humanity and the planet through the impending Great Transition.
Our long, dark night is almost over. Very soon, all awakened souls will unite again as one to greet the New Dawn, and to finally release that Grand Song which has been composed within their hearts during the course of many incarnations of personal sacrifice. It is our prayer that all servants of the race may now step forward to faithfully and confidently pool energies and resources so that together we may make haste toward the fulfilment of prophecy by consciously assisting in the predestined emergence of the New World Consciousness upon Earth.
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