Weird Rants To Help Keep You Sane!

Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:25 am

How'd I goof that spelling after all this discussion? I was trying to work "eclipse" into the comment but that hasn't an "e" either. So, I'll blame it on my rising at 4:35 am.

So, Roberta, when would they be appropriate?

Deb - I'd sit on your jury.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:30 am
patiodog wrote:
dadpad wrote:
I'm with ya there p/dog....on both counts.
Are you sure you're not Australian?

Positive. Had some very good Ozzian friends in college, though. And I watched a bit of Crocodile Dundee on the tube today.

Well ok, but i'd get a check-up if I were you. Ozziness is quite infective (like a virus or bad case of legionaiires). If you had some oz friends they may have infected you with a terminal case of "Maaaate".
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:32 am
You know, it did hurt to pee for a while after I left. I thought that was just because I missed them.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:45 am
dadpad wrote:
patiodog wrote:
dadpad wrote:
I'm with ya there p/dog....on both counts.
Are you sure you're not Australian?

Positive. Had some very good Ozzian friends in college, though. And I watched a bit of Crocodile Dundee on the tube today.

Well ok, but i'd get a check-up if I were you. Ozziness is quite infective (like a virus or bad case of legionaiires). If you had some oz friends they may have infected you with a terminal case of "Maaaate".

Shhhh....you marsupial noggined eeejit....next thing you'll be revealing the Plan.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:48 am
dlowan wrote:
dadpad wrote:
patiodog wrote:
dadpad wrote:
I'm with ya there p/dog....on both counts.
Are you sure you're not Australian?

Positive. Had some very good Ozzian friends in college, though. And I watched a bit of Crocodile Dundee on the tube today.

Well ok, but i'd get a check-up if I were you. Ozziness is quite infective (like a virus or bad case of legionaiires). If you had some oz friends they may have infected you with a terminal case of "Maaaate".

Shhhh....you marsupial noggined eeejit....next thing you'll be revealing the Plan.

ooops... shhhhh!... hehehehe...
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:59 am
The word:

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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 11:12 am
Roberta wrote:
Professionally speaking, I hate dem damned dots.

Everytime I see them, they're wrong from a book publishing point of view. Gotta fix. Pain in the patoot.

Betcha didn't think there'd be still another comment on ellipsis. Back in the day when I was a fledgling editor, they were called leaders. Now, fancy shmancy ellipsis. The problem persists.

Almost 40 years of fixing the damned dots.

Bronx cheer.

Oh, for crying out loud! A leader is a whole series of dots, as in a table of contents, leading up to the page number:

Chapter Two
What the f*ck is an ellipsis anyway?...................................37

An ellipsis is the three-dot thingy that indicates a pause (like this)...and I love 'em even if I do hafta edit them out in professional writing.

Where's another one of those damn pain pills? And why hasn't the doctor's office returned my call yet?! I don't care how many damn people got sick over the weekend, my back HURTS! I am stealing serious pain meds from my hubby, and I still can't stand up straight. Ring, damn phone, RING!!!
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 02:26 pm
Ow Eva!!!

I hope you be feeling better soon!
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 03:35 pm
Hugs for all, except ehbeth....

Let's wager on where Squinney is in the birth order. I have seven of nine....

(Gratutious ellipsis....)

And if I wanted to try your damned long distance service, I'd have called YOU!
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 05:46 pm
Eva wrote:
Roberta wrote:
Back in the day when I was a fledgling editor, they were called leaders. Now, fancy shmancy ellipsis. The problem persists.

Oh, for crying out loud! A leader is a whole series of dots, as in a table of contents, leading up to the page number:

Chapter Two
What the f*ck is an ellipsis anyway?...................................37

An ellipsis is the three-dot thingy that indicates a pause (like this)...and I love 'em even if I do hafta edit them out in professional writing.

Where's another one of those damn pain pills? And why hasn't the doctor's office returned my call yet?! I don't care how many damn people got sick over the weekend, my back HURTS! I am stealing serious pain meds from my hubby, and I still can't stand up straight. Ring, damn phone, RING!!!

According to Words into Type published three years before I went into publishing (1964), an ellipsis is the part of a quote or sentence that's missing. (No mention of dots.) Do you want the exact quote?

We referred to the dots that were used to indicate that something was missing as three leaders. The definition of ellipsis has changed and expanded; it now refers to the dots.

I'm sorry you're in pain. I hope you get relief soon. But please don't suggest that I don't know what I'm talking about.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 05:50 pm
my weird rant is this little radio show that runs in my head while i'm listening to the real radio

it's a cross between howard stern and rush limbaugh as i basically mock anything and everything that's happening in the world

i have to watch, because sometimes i say stuff out loud and get odd looks
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:25 pm
Pedant fight! Pedant fight!
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:44 pm
....and let me tell you about people who start telling you a story of what
happened to them yesterday. They embellish and elaborate, dissect everything into a million details, digress into ten different subjects, end up with Aunt Edna's wild dreams, and in the end ask: "Now where was I?"

Argh, just tell it like it is. Don't digress, don't go over boardwalk and don't
get into every little f*cking detail that has no baring on the subject matter.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:50 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
....and let me tell you about people who start telling you a story of what
happened to them yesterday. They embellish and elaborate, dissect everything into a million details, digress into ten different subjects, end up with Aunt Edna's wild dreams, and in the end ask: "Now where was I?"

Argh, just tell it like it is. Don't digress, don't go over boardwalk and don't
get into every little f*cking detail that has no baring on the subject matter.

Oh, geez, she's talking about meeeeeeeeeeeee.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:55 pm
DrewDad wrote:
Pedant fight! Pedant fight!


I believe German Jane has encountered someone of the Irish persuasion. We never let the truth get in the way of a good story. And it's almost a sin not to embroider. Cool

(Tangent alert: the word you were looking for is 'bearing', as in 'no bearing on the subject. 'Baring' is something you do in the privacy of your own bedroom. Unless, of course, you want to 'bare' your soul -- in which case, I'd probably still not want to see it. But Gus ... or Kickycan ... or Slappy ...

I'll let someone else take on the "over boardwalk") Mr. Green
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:55 pm
DrewDad wrote:

Let's wager on where Squinney is in the birth order. I have seven of nine....

(Gratutious ellipsis....)

Until Fathers Day of this year I was third of nine. Then Dad broke the news that there was another one right after the sister I mentioned in my rant. I hear she looks and acts like me.

So, I erred in my earlier post out of habit. I'm 3rd of ten.

Yep,.... ten.

And, yes, I took it pretty well. He's a cowboy! Trades his women as often as his horse.

For many that might qualify for rant. Wouldn't change a thing, though.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 06:57 pm
I was going to say 3 of 9. Honest.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 07:04 pm
............................................. Twisted Evil
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 07:12 pm
Understandable, swearing is not allowed on a2k. Too bad, a good string of swear words can be creative and descriptive, even enjoyable.

I never thought I would use the word "ucking" (French pronunciation), but it does come in handy at times.

When someone rips another person to shreds using a superior vocabulary, why should a "go uck yourself" be banned? Often, it isn't nearly as demeaning or debasing as the erudite slasher can be with his list of cutting talons-as-words.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2006 07:22 pm
Yep, I'm very Irish, unless of course you ask Heeven; for her, you don't get to claim that if not born there, if I remember one of her rants. Not that I'm complaining, I enjoyed and learned from her point of view as I do CJane's.

I can be linear but it takes some gathering of wits. I'm more likely a digressor within digressions, or someone who spends vast hours on one interest, getting lost in a lost world.

I still don't have an immediate rant to post, although I could foster one by looking at the news.

On the linear and non-linear scene, I might rant on wishing I'd known about how my brain worked a long time ago, rather than learning about it over decades. Picture me as a science major... I ended up with a degree in bacteriology. Clearly, I wanted to be Arrowsmith (though he was concerned with a rickettsia, if I remember correctly)... that is, a literary heroine.

I was a psych major (among other majors I chose for a bit) for about six months. I dropped it because it was too wishywashy re science, in my then-opinion.

Oh, wait, I could rant about forests. Back in a bit.
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