Weird Rants To Help Keep You Sane!

Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 05:37 pm
Whee! Good thread. Ok..... enough of nice.

Listen, I am the elipse champ here, 2Packs; I wonder if I can do an a2k elipse search..

I've been trying to amend my type speak behavior with the odd dash and occasional period, like this one:

I'm not feeling ranting right this minute, but I'm sure I'll be back on that.

Flushd, I had a friend who was always saying, "Isn't it wonderful?" That, oddly, is one of the harder questions to answer in any kind of repetitive way.

Roberta, I thought yours was the Perfect Rant (and by the way, I suspect I need an apostrophe (your's?), go ahead, just tell me, as I forget what I think I know already), and put off replying about that until I got past page 2, but then I saw Butryflynet's, and will probably need to start categories re high levels of rant perfection. And then I saw P'dog's. What to do with so much rantfinesse?

Biafra, I do remember it, most exquisitely for the killing of people who wore glasses...

Squinney, hugs.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 05:45 pm
Geez, I skipped the early pagers and probably others.. Rants most appreciated. No rants I want to rant against, yet.............
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 05:57 pm
ossobuco wrote:

Roberta, I thought yours was the Perfect Rant (and by the way, I suspect I need an apostrophe (your's?), go ahead, just tell me, as I forget what I think I know already), and put off replying about that until I got past page 2, but then I saw Butryflynet's, and will probably need to start categories re high levels of rant perfection. And then I saw P'dog's. What to do with so much rantfinesse?

NO! No apostrophe in yours.

Love "rantfinesse." You're coined a woid, osso.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:13 pm
I scanned these pages and I can't believe what I didn't see. Nary a bold font nor a colour! What's with you people? Where's your passion?

Now there are some ace ranters on this board, but they will stay away from this thread, of course. Perhaps it's too amateurish for them, or it's too crowded to be a proper showcase for the twirly drama queens. On the other hand, although there's been some good invective here, you need help on presentation.

In the altruistic interest of help, I offer this (from another board I frequent):

Can I borrow the potato gun? I'd like to use it on the American Power Conversion Corporation. They make battery backups to protect your computers & data from power failures and massive power surges. After suffering from 3 recent power failures (what's going on with our power grid -- we're not even into the high demand season!) I thought this would be a good thing.

But nooooooooooooooooo. There was a little bitty brown-out, the battery kicked in but kept on going when the power came back up, and then didn't recharge. I disconnected it, and charged it for 24 hours (16 recommended minimum). Didn't work. So I emailed the help desk. They responded promptly, which gives me hope that the issue will be resolved to my satisfaction.

All that is not the point. The point is:

Why doesn't computer support equipment work well? It's an effen battery, fcs. I don't want to spend time chatting to the help desk, I don't even want to think about it once it's connected. That how you marketed it, that's why I bought it.

No, I do not want to go to your online chat area to discuss this. If I want to waste time, it won't be with a bunch of nerds who get their rocks off discussing batteries. Don't take this hard, APC, but I'm just not that into you.

No, I do not want to buy additional APC products, significant discount or not, and certainly not until you proove to me that this basic unit works.

Thank you
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:26 pm
Yikes! That hurt my ears. Surprised
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:33 pm
Mr. Green
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:33 pm
I do not want to be your friend.

I already have more people in my life than I really want.

Back away.

Get out of my face.
Get out of my space.

I don't want to see emails people you no longer like send you.
Stop forwarding them to me.

I don't want to hear about how you have a future with a guy you haven't met yet - but you saw him in the food court.

Do not buy me anything. For any reason.
It will NOT make me like you.
In fact I will like you less.
If that is possible.

You have horrible taste.
Your clothes make you look like a shoebox.
I really really want to tell you about your bad bad clothes.
But not enough to talk to you more than I have to.

Get away from me.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:35 pm
What's the opposite of rantfinesse?

Well, there was a term in the sixties, RF. Explained to me as a naif in different ways...

(and, by the way, I believe I messed up with ellipse as elipse.)

Well, rantfxcking is the opposite, but perhaps we can work up a better word.




I dunno.....

note ellipse.




Ok, I'll rest.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:41 pm
dadpad wrote:
I'm with ya there p/dog....on both counts.

Are you sure you're not Australian?

Positive. Had some very good Ozzian friends in college, though. And I watched a bit of Crocodile Dundee on the tube today.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:42 pm
You all right, betheh?
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:42 pm
Okay, look... I'm the queen of elipses so the rest of you back off before I do a search of all posts and compile data to prove that fact.

Course, I never knew that was what it was called... an elipse.

(Really, ehBeth... a shoebox? That's what you think? Ya coulda just said so...) Razz
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:43 pm
One thing I can say about those I no longer like and don't like me (there may be some residual love for one or two. but irritation is in its heyday).
They are equally non smarmy with me. So, I picked good people in the first place.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:43 pm
Cube life Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:44 pm
My crab lice
Feel the same
About pube life
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 06:55 pm
Following up on ehbeth's post .................................. (ha!)

What's with every service Tom Dick & Harry introducing themselves?

"Hi! I'm Jennifer! That's with two n's! I'll be your server tonight."

Well, Jenn. My name is Ti, with no n's. I don't care how many n's are in your name. I'm not interested in knowing you. The fact that you showed up at our table to take our order clued me in, instantly, to the fact that you're the server. Don't ever interrupt my conversation with my friend, that would be the person sitting with me, to tell me how many n's are in your name. By the way, I'm a little short on cash tonight so I won't be leaving much of a tip. Is this the end of a beautiful relationship?
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 07:13 pm
Waiters/waitresses in WI ask, "How does everything taste?"

Not, "How is everything?" or "Is there anything else I can get for you?" but, "How does everything taste?"

It drives the wife nuts. I didn't notice it until she pointed it out. Now it drives me nuts.

Who should I be angry at -- the servers or the wife? (Or both?)
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 07:14 pm
Sure ehBeth's all right.

Though I might pick a bone...

I'm pretty interested in design and presentation, at the same time my idea of that has gotten very loose, so much so that some article about the last best guy of the new coutouriers (sp?) had me worried about the industry.

I spent some time in a shoebox clothes phase.

I vary. My shoebox is smaller now, but I hated the dismissal. I really don't get dismissing people for style... though I also do. Mostly not.
Unless you get into intellectual style, ooh whee.

I once wore a flowered dress on the night of a mild heat wave to an art opening. I was the only person in the room not in black or grey.
It was ok, the artist and artist wife, also artist, didn't ignore me.

(things may be less rigid now, don't know).

I had a boss once who pontificated, as was his way (and I liked him, this is not a dig, exactly) that everything comes down to style. That was my boss in Medicine.

I disagreed with him but only had a minute to verbalize it and couldn't, except for sputtering, which gave him more of a stage.

Interesting question, even now.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 07:23 pm
Oh, all right, you f'ing idiots...the three dot thingy is called an ELLIPSIS, not an ellipse! An ellipse is an oval, for God's sake! Get your punctuation straight! I swear, if I hafta correct one more person on this, I am gonna scream. I am NOT getting paid to copyedit this site, dammit.


I feel better already.

I think I threw my back out, though. Not from this, it happened Friday. I've been on painkillers & muscle relaxers ever since. Barely moving. Ouch...oooooh, that hurt.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 07:25 pm
Babies are adorable; I love them and even go "Awwww" when I see a cute one, but I am getting a little tired of so damn much fecundity (they're all over the place!!), esp with parents who don't know squat about raising decent kids. They always seem to be the ones with the huge SUVs with a "My kid is an honor student at Homogeneous Middle School" bumper sticker. Gag! Do they ever think about teaching them how to be decent human beings, for pity's sake?
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 07:29 pm
And while I'm on a roll:

CELL PHONES! Some of you might want to rant about me for even bringing them up, but they are becoming a curse on humanity. Like PDog, I love silence and I'm not at all interested in someone's conversation with a person who much be hard of hearing because the speakers always seem to yell into their damn phones.

I saw a woman on a stunningly beautiful beach, yakking away, not seeing anything around her. What a crime, not looking, not listening to the sounds of the ocean, not feeling the sun--just yakking. Yakking, yakking. ARGGGGHHH.
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