Mon 23 Jun, 2003 10:23 am
Dunno if the rest of yez are gettin' this error message, but when i try to view a thread i get the following:
phpBB : Critical Error
Error creating new session
In the Brave New Cyber World, the customer is always wrong, so i'm sure someone will show up to tell me this is my own fault. However, it does mean i can't have my usual fun playing with the conservatives and other lower order life forms.
Therefore: McG, yer wrong, you always have been wrong, you always will be wrong, ipso facto, ergo, sozyeroldman . . .
Are you still getting this error message? Are you on AOL? Is the a thread for the Forum Help section? Please lemme know.
Setanta -
I understand that anyone who gets this message is, practically by definition, a complete ass. I hadn't suspected this, but it is good to find out so that I can avoid entrusting you with the intimate details of my bank accounts and my larder. (Fortunately the latter cannot carry a negative balance.)
Got the same quite some times today - disaapeared each after I promised to behave,.
~-=+@&*^$&*# !
When I see Walter use profanity, I know something is drastically wrong! c.i.
Walter, you are still on AOL right?
Damn, I better find out if AOL is doing even "stupider" stuff with their rotating IPs. If so I'll have to downgrade the security for everyone on the forums because of their stupid proxies.
I got that message about 15 times today while on AOL.
I went over to Internet Explorer -- and everything cleared up.
Now I'm on AOL -- and everything is OK.
Well, Craven, I use aol as provider, go here by IE however.
I dunno - been fighting a pop-up buggie I caught last week when I asked CDK what was going on! This site is pretty darn clean, now using ad-aware 6.0 and Pop-Stopper.
My stinking puter! Them guys with those bugs and viruses are pretty crafty.
AOL makes me wanna scream. I'll look into downgrading the forum IP security as a workaround.
Quick question, do you get those errors with or without cookies (checking the "remember me" box when logging in)?
I've checked the "remember me" box -- so I guess I am with cookies.
(Reminds me of the joke that has a penguin writing home saying "I am with Byrd!")
Yes, sadly, we have aol at work. Just to be on the safe side, i went into control panel and made sure that IE was being used for the browser-this reduced, but did not eliminate the problem. I posted this in General because it was the only forum i was able to get into.
PeppermintPatiodog: Love you, too, darlin' . . . kiss, kiss ! ! !
I got the same message several times today. Yes I am on AOL.
I use AOL and haven't had any error messages at all. I don't, however, use the cookie feature and have A2K remember my password.
Help me. I'm in now but I've been semi-locked out since Friday. sometimes, like now, I can get in through the Control Panel. It is sporatic. I don't have AOL. Can you help me?
Yeah... I got that a few times yesterday, too. and I am still with the damn evil empire...
It should be fixed now. Please let me know if it happens again.
It really bites to have to break a perfectly good bit of code because AOL is stupid.