And this one a spoof, Walter?
Dandelions and daisies feed Schröder's jobless
By Tony Paterson in Berlin
(Filed: 12/06/2005)
Take the buds from six handfuls of daisies, freshly picked from the cracks in the pavement. Soak in a litre of salted water and place in a jar of vinegar. Leave to marinate for two months - and then serve to your hard-up friends as tasty Mediterranean-style capers.
They may not sound the most appetising snack, but for Germany's growing army of unemployed people, dishes made from daisies, dandelions and other weeds are becoming staple fare, thanks to a cookbook aimed at the jobless.
Hartz IV - A Cookbook for Hard Times takes its name from Peter Hartz, the German businessman behind Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's unpopular economic reforms, which are widely blamed for pushing unemployment figures to their highest level since the 1930s.
The book, which aims to feed a family of four for less than 5 (£3.30) per meal, has become so popular among Germany's 4.8 million unemployed that - despite a relatively hefty 12 (£8) price tag - it sold out after hitting the bookshops last month. Its Berlin publishers have since ordered a reprint.
Among the budget recipes is one for pesto sauce made from wild rocket which, the book points out, grows lustily in the verges of many dole office car parks. A loaf of stale bread, meanwhile, can be turned into "poor man's parmesan" if it is doused in oil and then grated.
The authors, Sigrid Ormeloh, 41, a designer, and Nicole Schlier, a 45-year-old catering manager, took some of the recipes from wartime "austerity" cookbooks.
The Sunday Telegraph put the book to the test with Christian Berger, a 41-year-old Berlin web-designer who has been hunting for a job for the past eight months.
Hungry after a long morning queuing for benefits, Mr Berger cooked up a no-frills lunch of dandelion and bacon salad with a celeriac wiener schnitzel - celery root fried in breadcrumbs. But what did it taste like ?
The dandelions, he declared, were "tough and stringy". The schnitzel, however, was a marked improvement. "You can eat this," Mr Berger said, chewing cautiously. "Actually it's rather delicious."
Best of all, he added, was the price. Lunch had cost him a total of 2.8 (£1.80).