Walter Hinteler
Mon 31 Oct, 2005 12:54 am
And yesterday, the 'Mail on Sunday' asked why Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi has "given 18 luxury watches in four years" to the Blairs.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 31 Oct, 2005 10:31 am
This might be of minor interest here [posted it on the German election thread as well] ...

Müntefering to Step Down as SPD Leader

... but it took me some time to stomach that Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 1 Nov, 2005 02:16 pm
Brussels to give Turkey torture deadline
0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2005 09:17 am
georgeob1 wrote:
Very interesting selection, Nimh. What conclusions do you take from it regarding European affairs generally

Plus ca change ... ?
Im Westen nichts neues?


georgeob1 wrote:
and the evolution of the union?

Different forces are pulling it into different directions ... both 'sides' (each rather fragmented) is steering towards further European integration, but the shape of the integrated Europe they're gunning for contrasts sharply.

The EU of the McCreevys is one that facilitates unfettered entrepreneurial freedom on a larger-than-before, pan-European scale, in which such awkwardnesses as collective wage agreements are gone. On the other side, people have gone along with the opening of borders and integrating of markets because they believe in the European ideal as a tool for peace and co-operation, but they've become wary of the accompanying erosion of social rights.

Depending on which of the two sides will more get its ways, individual outbreaks of Eurosceptic backlash can be expected more on the right, or more on the left. Meanwhile, the train-keeps-a-rollin' -- for better or for worse.

georgeob1 wrote:
I see a picture of human beings and politicians more or less as they really are, and an illustration of the futility of European attempts to reform either. Social engineering is an attractive idea, but it rarely works for long in practice. The world is a competitive place with winners and losers - in general the good effects of this on human economic behavior outweigh the bad that comes from the ultimate failure of socialist illusions.

Sounds like it was a bit of a Rohrschach ... ;-)
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Wed 2 Nov, 2005 12:10 pm
Kohl memoirs recall Thatcher rage [over German reunification]

In a new set of memoirs, former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl presents an intriguing view of history and the crucial relations between leaders.

He says his poor relationship with Margaret Thatcher, for instance, made it difficult to deal with her opposition to German reunification.

He says Mrs Thatcher stamped her feet in rage about the issue, days after the fall of the Berlin Wall. [..]

The Thatcher incident was said to have taken place during dessert at a dinner in Paris nine days after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Later, he says, she threatened to use her veto against reunification in the then European Community.

[..] Mr Kohl was surprised by his ally Francois Mitterrand also resisting German reunification. But the former chancellor tells how he persuaded the French leader to change his mind during long private walks on the beach near Bordeaux in January 1990.

US President George Bush, though, was apparently a staunch supporters of the idea from the very beginning.

"George Bush was for me the most important ally on the road to German unity," Mr Kohl writes. [..]
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Wed 2 Nov, 2005 12:14 pm
UK think tank: "there is no pension crisis"

In Short:

Europe's society can afford to grow old, according to a UK think tank study which challenges some of the main assumptions behind the pensions time bomb alarms.

Brief News:

Europe's ageing population and low fertility rates have led to cries of alarm over the so-called "pensions time bomb" that EU member states are likely to face in the near future. In a study entitled 'The ageing population, pensions and wealth creation', UK think tank Tomorrow's Company challenges this idea of a pensions crisis for the UK. [..]

The study challenges some of the assumptions that have created the sense of crisis. It questions the comparison of the number of people aged over 65 with the number of people of working age and says it is more useful to compare the number of people in work with those who are not working (the "economic support ratio"). It also challenges the idea that the solution to the ageing of the population is more saving.

The financial sustainability of Europe's pension systems was one of the issues discussed at the Hampton Court informal European Council on 27 October. The Commission has in the past published common objectives for the modernisation of pension systems. [..]

Report: 'The ageing population, pensions and wealth creation'
0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2005 12:20 pm

LISBON (IPS) - Nearly two decades after Portugal joined the wealthy European Union, poverty and social exclusion continue to plague a full 20 percent of the population.

To the contrary of what was expected back in 1986, when Portugal became part of what was then called the European Economic Community, the social gap has widened, and today "the rich are richer and the poor are poorer," noted João Fernándes, chairman of the executive council of the non-governmental organisation Oikos-Cooperation and Development.

Statistics presented this week by Oikos, which would seem more characteristic of developing nations than of countries of the industrialised North, show that the 100 largest fortunes in Portugal account for 17 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

The NGO also pointed out that the richest one-fifth of Portugal's 10.2 million people hold 45.9 percent of the national wealth, while one-fifth of the population lives in a state of poverty. [..]

Among the most dramatic cases are 120,000 pensioners who were self-employed and now receive a mere 201 dollars a month, more than 272,000 retired agricultural workers who draw pensions of just 243 dollars a month, and 708,000 retired industrial, trade and service sector workers whose pensions amount to only 264 dollars a month. [..]

In 2001, the last year for which official statistics are available, per capita social security expenditure in Portugal was just 56.9 percent of the average expenditure in the remaining 14 EU member states of the time.

[..] infant poverty rates have risen overall in the industrialised world, and among the 15 richest EU members, the highest rates are found in Italy (16.6 percent), Ireland (17.7 percent) and Portugal (15.6 percent).

And among the 25 EU member states, the highest salaries or wages are five times the lowest, on average, while Portugal shows the largest disparity: the highest are 7.4 times the lowest.

During a conference this week organised by the National Commission for Peace and Justice (CNJP), [..] the chairman of the Economic and Social Council of Portugal, Alfredo Bruto da Costa, said [that] the social doctrine of the Catholic Church, which upholds the principle of the "universal destination of goods," has so far failed "to influence the decisions of politicians and governments, with the terrible consequences that we have seen in terms of poverty" [..].

Referring to the progress that Portugal has made in recent years, [economist Manuela Silva] argued that "it is not acceptable for a country that has already achieved a certain level of income to have such a high poverty level."

[She] said the experience and knowledge exist to dismantle the myth of "growth first, distribution later," but added that among the least-educated, the belief persists that "poverty is just a fact of life, similar to what is said about globalisation - that it is a reality and there is nothing that can be done about it."

The Catholic Church should "send out a stronger signal in favour of an alternative form of globalisation," said Isabel Allegro de Magalhães, the head of Graal, a Catholic women's movement.

That view was backed by Jesuit priest Herminio Rico, who asked the participants: "Do we want to be as rich as the richest countries, or fight poverty in our country and the world?" [..]
0 Replies
Thu 3 Nov, 2005 07:28 am
A new left turn for Europe

Members of a pan-European party are optimistic they can create a new political identity for the left [..]

Wednesday November 2, 2005

Fifteen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the legacy of communism in Europe is making a new mark in the political landscape. It's often been a matter of "innovate or die", and innovation has meant new alliances that would have had their forebears turn in their graves.

But in several countries, a hybrid left is developing the capacity to fill the growing vacuum on the left as social democratic parties such as the Labour party in Britain and the Social Democrats in Germany adopt policies of the right. The cautious optimism of Oskar Lafontaine in Germany, one of the first insiders to challenge this trend, is a symbol of this.

Lafontaine and the new Linkspartei he leads are moving on the European stage. The party was one of the organisers of the first congress of a new political animal: the European Left party (ELP). Some 360 people attended its congress in Athens at the weekend. These ranged from significant players on the European scene, such as the Party of Communist Refoundation, Romani Prodi's radical partner in the Union, the coalition that hopes to unseat Silvio Berlusconi in April next year, through to small parties like the Estonian Communist party who were excited "to be part of something big", as its delegate Sirje Kingsepp put it. [..] Absent were orthodox and nationalist communist parties, notably the communist parties of Portugal and Greece.

As a habitué of the meetings of the Socialist International, Lafontaine is in a good position to comment of the distinctiveness of this new political actor: "The difference is that the parties here are committed to a Europe-wide strategy," he said. "A mistake by social democratic parties [in the past] was that they were too preoccupied with national issues. It was very difficult to find solutions at a European level. [..]"

[..] The talk was of European-wide campaigns: against the Bolkestein directive to put public services on the market; for the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers; for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. An executive was elected with the brief to coordinate such initiatives [..].

The intention is to create a European political actor and identity - something more than the political blocs in the European parliament [..]. One member of the executive speculated that at the next European elections, parties would field candidates under the logo of the ELP as well as their own, and possibly exchange candidates across borders.

Delegates approached this pan-European task with an air of self-confidence. "We can change Europe" was the slogan of the event. The French delegates were still aglow from their victory in the campaign for a European "no" to the European constitution. For them the victory lay not simply in the number of no votes, but in the fact that the majority of these had been won not by stirring up anti-European prejudices but by arguments for an alternative Europe. A side effect had been the campaign itself, which radically transformed the left in France, producing a realignment unthinkable five years ago.

A sign of this in Athens was a mellow Alain Krivine, leader of the Trotskyist Ligue Communiste and historically an arch-antagonist of the French Communist party, and also leaders of the left of the Socialist party who had broken with the party line to support the no campaign.

"This experience gave us the sense that we could win. We weren't marginal," said Elisabeth Gautier, a delegate from the French Communist party [..].

The Italian delegates shared this confidence. They arrived full of enthusiasm after the experiment of holding primaries for the choice of the Union's candidate to take on Berlusconi. "We expected 2 million participants but instead there were 4.3 million. It's a sign of how people will participate in politics if they are given the opportunity, "explained Salvatore Cannavò from the Party of Communist Refoundation.

The close collaboration between parties involved in the ELP makes these kinds of innovations infectious. [..] "We learnt a lot from the Italians," says Christiane Reymann, a feminist in Germany's PDS party who led a revolt at the founding congress of the ELP against the patronising male domination of the party. [..]

The Italian experience proved that parties have given up claims to a vanguard role and at least try to see themselves "as one actor amongst many" in the words of Fausto Bertinotti, leader of the Italian Party of Communist Refoundation. Working closely with social movements requires a change in culture as well as of discourse. An autonomous feminist network, [..] half independent but with a budget from party funds has begun to bring reality nearer to the rhetoric. The white skinned, white haired, predominantly male faces at the congress, indicate they have a long way to go.

I'm trying to snip these articles to a core size for quicker reading, but apologies for the still pretty long copy/pastes ... however, this is funny/interesting.

The recent revival of Reds, not just Greens, to the left of the Socialdemocratic and Labour parties now helps to bring together traditional communists with Trots and more amorphous leftists. And, just like the Greens did a year or two ago, they're founding a European party - a step that goes distinctly further than just setting up a common parliamentary group in the European Parliament. That's exciting enough.

However, the group's website has their memberlist, and it still shows some dilemmas.

For one, although recently succesful far-left groups like the Austrian Communist Party and of course the German leftists are there, as are the historical mainstays of the far-left like the Spanish United Left and the Italian Communists, there are also names strikingly missing. The upsurging Socialist Party in the Netherlands, a "red" party to the left of Labour but without traditional-communist background, is not taking part. Neither are the non-communist parties that dominate the scene to the left of the Socialdemocrats in Scandinavia: the Danish Socialist People's Party, Norway's Socialist Left and the Swedish Left Party. Only the much smaller, more radical Red-Greens of Denmark has observer status.

Secondly, although they've restricted the wholly unreformed and unrepentant Czech Communist Party to observer status and instead adopted the obscure Party of Democratic Socialism as member, their other East-European parties tend to the hardcore. From Hungary, the Workers Party is taking part - that's the party that split off from the party of the former regime, the Hungarian Socialist Party, as soon as it started to repudiate its Eastern Bloc past in 1989/1990. Similarly, it's an orthodox split-off from the Slovak ex-communists, the Slovak Communist Party, that has observer status.

The (West-)German Communist Party (that apparently still exists) also has observer status.

I don't see this European party expanding to forces like the Scandinavian leftists if they're also targeting the hardcore split-offs from East-European ex-communist parties, and frankly, allying himself with such parties should embarass Lafontaine a bit.

But if they can get over that traditional-communist legacy, as they are admittedly obviously trying to do, dump the smaller and embarassingly hardcore parties somehow, and really unite all the "red" parties to the left of Labour, then that could be interesting. As is the establishment of any Europe-wide party.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Nov, 2005 10:41 am
nimh wrote:
The (West-)German Communist Party (that apparently still exists) also has observer status.

The DKP (German Communist Party = formerly paid by the [East German] SED) lost a some members to Die Links, but has has about a good councillors in a good hanful of city and town councils (e.g. Essen, Bottrop).

Their weekly paper is UZ ('Unsere Zeit" [Our times]).
0 Replies
Fri 4 Nov, 2005 12:39 pm
Berlusconi is trying to take a leaf from GWB's book: he caught on to the lesson that whenever your poll numbers sink, you should publicize stark warnings about impending terrorist attacks.

But, since Berlusconi is Berlusconi and in Berlusconi's world everything is about him, of course the story he tries to scandalise Italy's voters with is that terrorists were planning to attack him:

Premier says he's terrorist target
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 14 Nov, 2005 12:11 pm
Posted on the "Headscarve thread" as well:

Last week's ruling by the European Court of Human Rights upholding Turkey's ban on headscarves in public universities, has led to confrontation between the Islamic government and the law's secular proponents.

Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, who supports the ban, says the court's ruling was "binding" and should end the controversy. The country's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul have argued the opinion is not binding and promised to continue fighting the decision.
The ban, which includes college campuses and state offices, has been enforced by the secular military since 1986. The European court upheld the ban because the Turkish Constitution (Text) prevents the state from showing a preference for a particular religion or belief.

AP report: Head Scarf Ruling Raises Tension in Turkey
0 Replies
Fri 18 Nov, 2005 01:40 pm
OK...where has everyone gone? What threads?
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 22 Nov, 2005 11:55 am
Another aspect of European politics:

SWEDEN: State monopoly launches PR offensive

22 Nov 2005
Source: just-drinks.com editorial team

Sweden's state-owned retail monopoly Systembolaget is launching an SEK8m (US$960,000) ad campaign to defend its hold on alcohol sales in the country.

Systembolaget, which owns and operates all liquor stores in Sweden, made the case for the monopoly in a letter to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, and in a newspaper ad to be published today in the Financial Times.

The ad, headlined "Dear Mr. Barroso, Here's why you should consider cutting down on drinking", highlights drinking problems in Europe, and suggests the Swedish monopoly has helped keep down the country's alcohol consumption.

The campaign also includes ads in Swedish papers and a short film on the Internet promoting the monopoly.

"The message we want to aim at Barroso is that the alcohol issue is important," Systembolaget president Anitra Steen told Swedish radio. "The other thing is that we have a working model in Sweden that we want to keep."

Sweden has faced pressure to relax its stringent controls on alcohol sales since joining the European Union in 1995. EU officials say the monopoly is inconsistent with the free movement of goods in the single market, while Sweden argues it is needed to protect public health.

Sweden has been forced to ease some of its import restrictions on alcohol, but maintains high taxes on alcohol.

Systembolaget's sales have dropped, especially in the southern part of the country, due to the increased cross-border shopping to Denmark and Germany, where duty is lower.

0 Replies
Tue 22 Nov, 2005 08:07 pm
This issue is Sweden's to solve, and I would vote to leave them alone on it, if that is a practical political possibility. The problem, of course, is that Sweden's no doubt well-intended program to limit the behavior of its people has side effects on the economic activity of other members of the European Community.

I suspect that in the end the fact noted in the last sentence of Walter's quoted piece will dominate. The simple facts of mobility across the border and free choice by Swedish consumers and Danish?German and other sellers will ultimately undermine the Swedish government's program.
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 23 Nov, 2005 12:12 am
Actually, this had not much to do with EU but just with the possibility - as noted above - that peaple are mobile:

more than 20 years back, I was doing my annual execise with the navy in Denmark.
Not the nicest place for young conscripts in those days, since prices for beer and spirits in Denmark were high.
But it was heaven for the Swedish: every day a ferry arrived from Sweden, about 1,00 more or less drunk passengers left the ship for two hours, got more drunk and bought beer and spirits in the harbour shops just to return afterwrds to Sweden.

My wife's (Swedidh) cousin worked with a ferry line (and on a couple of ferries) for some years in those days: generally, he said, you got 20% 'commercial passengers' and the rest 'alcohool shoppers'.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Nov, 2005 12:25 am
I had some somewhat similar experiences in Norway. As a young officer I was briefly in a reconnaissance squadron that flew missions from airfields in northern Norway (Bodo and Andoya). Whiskey was very heavily taxed by the somewhat puritanical Norwegian government, while we could get it at extremely low prices in the military stores. it was common practice to smuggle four or five bottles in various empty spaces in the equipment bays of the aircraft on every trip. The Norwegian officers seemed to come in two extreme types (we called them Christians & Vikings), and the Vikings certainly enjoyed the booze. Good looking women too. Sigh !
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Wed 23 Nov, 2005 12:27 am
I didn't see and meet others than Vikings Laughing
0 Replies
Wed 23 Nov, 2005 12:30 am
Well north of Bergen it was mostly Vikings (all Vikings north of the Lofoten Islands.). Christians mostly in the south. Oslo we called the biggest village in Europe. Good looking women everywhere.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Nov, 2005 12:36 am

Just noticed the Chicago gathering notice in your signature line. Will you be there? I note that some of these affairs appear to get a little over organized. I'm not too keen on herding around in a group all day but am curious to meet some of the interesting folks (such as yourself) with whom I have been arguing these last several years.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Wed 23 Nov, 2005 12:36 am
Good looking women are everytime everyhwere where the navy is [and especially, when they are from it's air branch, I could add green with envy].
0 Replies

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