Walter Hinteler
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 01:00 pm
Exit polls say, Tusk received 38.4 percent and Kaczynski 32.1 percent.
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Walter Hinteler
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 02:06 pm
Today's state elections in 'Burgenland' (Austria) show a similar result than those previouly noted in Steyria: loses for the Greens and huge losses for the liberals, a big win for the Social-Democrats

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Walter Hinteler
Sun 9 Oct, 2005 02:08 pm
Obviously, in Austria the Greens are only able to get votes from from their very own voting base.

Any idea, nimh, why they can't 'activate' a further 'potential'?
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 10 Oct, 2005 01:17 am
0 Replies
Sat 15 Oct, 2005 09:33 am

By David Rennie in Brussels
(Filed: 14/10/2005)

The Brussels official charged with selling the European Union to voters said yesterday it had - to date - been the creation of a "small elite" and failed to connect with the public.

Margot Wallstrom, the European Commission's vice-president for communication, said: "This has been a project for a small elite, a political elite. That has worked - until now."

The Swede continued in the same confessional vein as she launched a commission campaign to improve Europe's image after this year's No votes in France and Holland on the draft EU constitution.

"Has it ever been alive, European democracy? That is a very good question," she said.

Mrs Wallstrom, a devoted European federalist, unveiled plans to set up national debates across Europe on what citizens want from the union. Commissioners and senior EU officials are to travel the continent debating students, young people, politicians, trades unions, academics and business groups.

The commission also hopes to recruit celebrities and sports stars to tour the continent as "goodwill ambassadors" for Europe.

Mrs Wallstrom's meetings will face competition from a "subsidiarity summit" being planned by Britain and Holland in November and hosted by the two national governments.

Officially called "Sharing Power in Europe", the meeting will call for decisions to be taken at national level when appropriate, and only at the EU level when Brussels can "add value".

Subsidiarity - a word not heard in Britain since the days of John Major - is widely used in Brussels as jargon for the principle that decisions should be taken at the lowest level, whether national, regional or even local, when possible.

A call to national arms came from Douglas Alexander, Britain's Europe minister, who told a Brussels think-tank that the EU should be cautious in flaunting the "trappings of a state".

Europe had its own flag with 12 gold stars, its "anthem", Beethoven's Ode to Joy, and a motto, "United in Diversity".

This summer's Dutch and French No votes were linked to a sense of anxiety, among some voters, that their national identities were under threat, he said.

Mr Alexander went on: "Support for the EU won't be advanced by creating symbols that heighten anxieties rather than diminish them."

"Has it ever been alive, European democracy? That is a very good question," she said.

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Walter Hinteler
Sat 15 Oct, 2005 09:37 am
"The EU has always been a project for political elites. Up to now that has been ok. But nowadays people want to make their voices heard and we need their consent. This means making sure that they are asked."
European Commission Vice-President, Margot Wallstrom

This now announced "Plan-D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate" will hopefully lead finally to more democracy respectively the constitution.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Oct, 2005 11:28 pm
Walter, that's interesting. I know my wife and I often comment that we just don't think the same as the generations behind us (we"re 65).
0 Replies
Sat 22 Oct, 2005 03:13 pm
Sat 22 Oct 2005

Rat-infested French jails likened to 'dungeons in Middle Ages'


FRANCE'S prisons are the worst in Europe and their cells are akin to dungeons in the Middle Ages, according to a watchdog's report yesterday.

Hygiene is "deplorable", with inmates crowded into filthy, rat-infested cells, leading to an explosion in the number of prisoners with infectious diseases, the International Observatory of Prisons (IOP) said.

It described conditions as "catastrophic" and condemned the French government for failing to improve matters. "The situation is totally unworthy of our level of civilisation. Conditions of detention are close to those of the Middle Ages," the Paris-based IOP said.

It blamed the government's tougher sentencing polices for aggravating chronically bad prison conditions without solving the problem of delinquency.

The report said French jails suffered from overcrowding, bad hygiene, rising violence and suicide rates of more than six times the national average - France has Europe's highest suicide rate among prisoners.

The number of suicide attempts rose 10 per cent last year, while incidents of self-wounding and hunger strikes were up 25 per cent.

Violence and revolt against the prison authorities have also increased dramatically - there was a 155 per cent rise in the number of riots last year.

Eight out of ten inmates suffer from psychiatric problems, but access to medical care is limited.

"Fifteen months to treat a toothache - one is less well treated when one is in prison than when one is an animal in the zoo," the main lawyers' union in France said.

Both it and the judges' union described the situation as "detestable".

The IOP also denounced "disproportionate security measures", citing the example of a prisoner who was handcuffed while giving birth at Fleury-Merogis prison, near Paris.

The report placed the blame squarely on policies championed by Nicolas Sarkozy, the interior minister who has stated his intention to run for president in 2007, saying France's conservative government was wrong to fight delinquency with a drive for longer sentences.

Patrick Marest, of the IOP, said: "The deterioration in the condition of the prisons is not due to the inevitable result of incarcerating dangerous people. It is the result of policy choices."

The scandal surrounding the conditions in French jails first broke in 2000 when a doctor at Paris's notorious La Santé prison published a book revealing what life was really like for the country's inmates. Dr Veronique Vasseur said inmates lived in squalor, surrounded by rats and cockroaches, and were subject to brutal rapes and fist fights which were daily occurrences.

"The place remains an inhuman nightmare," she said, "an eternal shame to France."



Fifteen months to treat a toothache......

Could be worse - you could be a Canadian citizen.
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Walter Hinteler
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 12:27 am
JustWonders wrote:

Could be worse - you could be a Canadian citizen.

Although Canada isn't part of the European Union (and not run by conservatives like France), it would be nice if you gave some quotes/reports about the situation in Canadian prisons, perhaps compared to the situation in US prisons.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 05:41 am
Walter - my comment was about the 15 month wait. There was an article in a Canadian newspaper a couple of days ago reporting that although the government has thrown more money into the health care system there...guess what? Their records show the wait for Canadian citizens to obtain medical services has grown longer over the past 12 months.

Oh Canada...
Poor Canada.
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Walter Hinteler
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 06:47 am
Well, in the UK (which is an EU-member) you have to wait for some special operations even longer: they are sending their patients to other EU-countries.

On the other hand, they (the NHS in the UK) pays their medical doctors extremely well: more than 1,500 German doctors are on wekend duty there (using the frequent and cheap air connections).
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 06:49 am
Interesting re medical service in the EU/Germany:

German Medical Treatment Attracts Patients from Middle East
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 07:01 am
DW staff / AFP (jam) | www.dw-world.de | © Deutsche Welle.

EU Leaders to Avoid Tough Topics at Summit

Tough EU issues to crack, but they're on the back burner for now
European Union leaders will broach the "challenges of globalization" at an informal summit this week -- while strenuously avoiding awkward topics which have dragged the bloc to the brink of all-out crisis.

The summit talks, amid the Tudor splendour of Hampton Court Palace outside London, are officially aimed at working out Europe's strategic response to the threat typified by rising Asian giants like China and India.

But looming over the meeting like a royal specter will be the dual challenge of a deadlock over the bloc's future budget, and the more fundamental question of its whole future, following the rejection by France and the Netherlands of the EU constitution.

"I hope we can avoid getting into detailed discussions of the future financing issue at Hampton Court," said British Prime Minister and summit host Tony Blair, referring to talks on the 2007-2013 budget for the 25-nation bloc.

The budget standoff is of particularly urgent concern to the 10 new, mostly ex-communist, countries which joined the EU last year and need a resolution to unblock key EU funds for their still relatively poor economies.

Response to globalization

But while some still want to discuss finances, formally the one-day meeting -- cut down from two after some EU leaders clearly thought there was not enough meat to justify the overnight stop -- will tackle the lofty subject of Europe's future in the age of "globalization."

Outgoing Chancellor Schröder (l)with the UK's Tony BlairTraditional

EU heavyweights France and Germany -- whose outgoing social democratic leader Gerhard Schröder will be attending his last summit -- will be keen to defend their long-cherished vision of Europe's "social model."

But Blair, who currently holds the EU's rotating presidency, will be equally keen to bang the drum for the kind of free-market reforms espoused by Schröder's successor Angela Merkel.

The main theme of discussions will be "the opportunities and challenges of globalization," Blair said in his letter of invitation to the summit. "How do we meet the competitive challenge and maintain the security of our citizens in a world of unprecedented movement?"

French viewpoint

French President Jacques Chirac -- whose long-strained relations with the British leader have reached a new nadir amid the EU budget standoff -- can be counted on to have diverging views from the summit host.

Paris has long been the champion of a European economic model which puts far more emphasis on generous social protection, workers' rights and ensuring that key state enterprises remain viable.

A French dairy farm, part of the beloved "terroir"

France wants defendedIndeed, the summit takes place against the background of world trade talks in which France is fiercely defending the EU's long-disputed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), of which French farmers are the main beneficiaries.

The CAP is at the heart of the budget standoff: Britain is pushing hard for further reform of its trade-distorting payouts. But France is standing firm, while countering that Blair must surrender London's long-cherished EU rebate.

While serious budget haggling is not on the menu in Hampton Court, there is hope for some "informal discussion" in the corridors of Henry VIII's palace by the Thames, possibly even making some progress ahead of a December showdown.

Constitution question

But no progress -- and precious little discussion -- is expected on the other key problem facing the EU: the rejection of its constitution by French and Dutch voters, which plunged the bloc into crisis in June.

The institutional blueprint was designed to avoid decision-making gridlock in the still-expanding Union, which is set to welcome Romania and Bulgaria in 2007 with a line of others waiting at the EU door.

Few expect any progress on the issue until after French presidential polls in 2007, when some hope that Chirac may be succeeded by a more popular leader -- such as Nicolas Sarkozy -- who could somehow turn the French "non" around.

But the prospect of the charismatic rightwinger in the Elysee Palace -- following the German transfer of power to Merkel -- raises another thorny strategic issue for the European bloc: Turkey.

Many in the EU are skeptical about EU membership

The EU overcame last-minute problems this month to start membership talks with the vast mostly Muslim state. But both Merkel and Sarkozy are openly opposed to Turkey ever actually joining.+

That issue may, again, be discussed in the sidelines of this week's summit. But in the formal talks Blair will be keen to keep the focus squarely on more general strategic issues.
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Sun 23 Oct, 2005 09:21 am
european union
the description "prison" is not used officially in canada any more.

on a more personal note : since we live in the "prison capital of canada" and i volunteered in a half-way house for minor offenders (not prisoners !) at one time, i have a bit of insight into the canadian system. last year canada's "parliamentary TV channel" produced a documentary TV serial - 3 or 4 shows - produced by inmates from CSI (correctional service institutions) . of course, there were lots of complaints about wanting better food and more freedom. one of the interesting parts of the shows were interviews with some inmatess from the united states who happened to wind up in canadian institutions and did not want to serve their sentences in U.S. prisons - they would have been able to ask for transfers to U.S. institutions. i can't remember the exact wods they described their new "canadian home from home", but esssentially they said : "come on over to canada, boys !" and telling their american brothers of their life in a canadian setting - they certainly were not prepared to go back to the states to serve their sentences.
the biggest problem seems to be drug abuse in the institutions. programs have been set up to help inmates both to get their drug problem under control but also making available facilities to make drug use inside the walls safer - needle exchange, chlorine for cleaning needles ...).
i still prefer to be outside the walls ! hbg
0 Replies
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 10:27 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
"The EU has always been a project for political elites. Up to now that has been ok. But nowadays people want to make their voices heard and we need their consent. This means making sure that they are asked."
European Commission Vice-President, Margot Wallstrom

This now announced "Plan-D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate" will hopefully lead finally to more democracy respectively the constitution.

Interesting reaction. THis, of course, involves a direct approach to the citizens of EU nations, bypassing the organs of national government. Probably an inevitable step in the evolution, but one likely to eventually create a backlash from some national governments.

The EU has done remarkably well so far in uniting many elements of (mostly) economic life in Europe. I suspect the political aspect of all this will prove to be more difficult and uncertain. The bureaucratic, authoritarian character of the Brussels establishment of the EU has been formed over several decades - it isn't likely to change either quickly or easily. It may take more than advertisements and popular "EU Ambassadors" to reverse these perceptions - the EU itself will have to adapt if it hopes to achieve a more substantial role in the political governance of Europe. The absence of a constitution, one able to be understood by the population, winning their consent, and offering something more fundamental than a permanent codification of old treaties, will likely prove to be an increasingly important barrier to their progress. I don't have any easy remedies in mind - this is indeed a grand experiment, and I wish Europe well.
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Walter Hinteler
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 12:26 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Interesting reaction. THis, of course, involves a direct approach to the citizens of EU nations, bypassing the organs of national government.

Could you please explain this a bit? Especially, to which organs do you refer that work on national governmental site EU-like?
0 Replies
Sun 23 Oct, 2005 01:10 pm
I cannot help but believe that the increasing direct involvement of the EU governing bodies, particularly actions of the EU Parliament, in the affairs of Europeans will create tensions in at least some countries with local priorities and the interests of national governments. Certainly those who wish to see an European constitution and a greater role for the EU in the governance of the continent must contemplate an eventual crisis of some kind over the the relative powers of EU and national governments in various areas of governance, including foreign policy. At some point the powers of each will have to be more clearly defined and tested - in particular questions of when (say) enactments of the EU Parliament trump those of national Parliaments. In the United States this involved a very bloody civil war - we hope Europe will do better, but given the constitution fiasco there is not yet any reason to believe it can. There is also the possibility of an extended period of ambiguity - as exists today - a loose confederation, without a constitution, but that begs the question before us.
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 24 Oct, 2005 12:48 am
Exactly that is why we need a constitution.

The European Parliament is firmly established as a co-legislator, has budgetary powers and exercises democratic controls over all the European institutions.
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 24 Oct, 2005 12:52 am
Some more news from the EU-countries

While the conservative Kaczynski will be the next Polish president, the Social Democrats win most votes in Vienna elections .
(Amazing what happens in Austria, I think!)
0 Replies
Mon 24 Oct, 2005 05:33 pm
I think you are a Social Democrat to the core - perhaps unreformable.

I, on the other hand, am an enlightened free market liberal (in the traditiona - not the American - sense of that word).
0 Replies

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