I'm Hot ur not so deal with it

Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 05:25 pm
Reyn wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
Does anyone have an opinion if this is the direct result of so many people text messaging?

I don't think it's a direct result of it, but certainly as a sidebar.

In general, the ability to form meaningful, correctly spelled sentences seems to have decreased in the past decade.

I think our education system has a part to play.

Like it or not, communication styles are changing. Chai (and Reyn, and me, etc.) write like middle aged people. Toogood writes like a 13 year old. It's a generational thing.

Reminds me of my teenage days when my old-fogey English-major father used to criticize me for using too much slang.

He could not understand how I ever wound up in public relations, writing for a living. Of course, he wasn't happy at how p.r. changed, either.

Toogood communicates normally for a 13 year old. She'll be just fine.
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 05:29 pm
Eva wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
In real life, I totally expect to be able to talk to a 13 year on on adult matters, they may not understand things like stocks and bonds and credita card ratings, but honestly, they should'nt be that far from it. I certainly don't expect them to get their panties in a twist over the word vagina, and if they tittered or giggled, I ask them what's so funny.

Actually, my son could talk to you about stocks and bonds and credit card ratings, but he and his friends (male or female) would choke up, turn red in the face, start giggling and run out of the room if you used the word "vagina." Embarrassment at sexuality is a normal thing at this age and should be expected...especially when talking with adults.

...I'm not going to dumb myself down and talk to a 13 year old like they have lived a sheltered life, when I know they have the potential to be little Lolita's and hell cats.

If my grandmother could cross the continent of Europe and the Atlantic Ocean all alone, find herself a place to live and work at 13 years old, then a 13 year old posting here can handle the word cervix.

I'm very sorry your grandmother had to do that. Comparing her life with today's typical American 13 year olds is not fair, though. They're not at all the same. And you know that, so knock off the unfair comparisons.

I'm not suggesting that anyone "dumb down" their posts. I AM suggesting that 13 year olds do not belong on this forum.

Whoa! I totally forgot how smart your son is!!!! I remember you telling stories about his financial knowledge, and it was really impressive.

Oh no, don't feel sorry for my grandmother. I was very proud of her. I wasn't telling her experience for you to feel sorry for her, I always expect people to be awed by what she was able to accomplish. When I was 13 it hit me what she did when she was my age, and let me tell you, it made me look at her with a lot of respect.

Actually, it's a little strange hearing anyone say "feel sorry for" and "my grandmother" in the same sentence. I wish she was here right now. She'd let you know what she thought about someone feeling sorry for her Shocked

I don't have kids, so I have no idea what a "typical" teen life is like. And I really don't understand what's so wrong with comparing. What? Somehow kids today are not expected to show such character? They're "supposed" to live in some kind of unnatural extended childhood? To move forward just a few years, I find it appalling that SOME 18 or 20 year olds can't figure out how to do laundry, or cook a meal. We keep pushing adulthood further and further away. There seems to be this idea that "adulthood bad, childhood good" The satisfaction of being young and being able to understand adult conversation or make intelligent decisions translates into "we're pushing the children too hard".

Is it really too much to ask a 13 year old to write an intelligent sentence? Is it wrong to feel annoyed when you get as an answer "I don't want to"?

"I've been in school all day writing right....I don't want to now"...Jesus Christ that's totally embarassing. That's like the last year of sitting at the childrens table at Thanksgiving. Remember how you couldn't wait to sit with the adults.

You know, childhood is when you're little and running around in the backyard with the sprinkler on.

If this kid wants kid conversation, let her go back to millsberry. If she wants to learn a little something about adult stuff maybe she needs to learn that the world isn't all overly impressed with her. She's gonna have to try a little harder to fit in with the big dogs, and that won't be by saying dumb ass stuff like "you don't know me" and "riiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhtttt"
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 06:11 pm
I bet your grandmother would slap me for saying that, Chai! Laughing

What I meant is...I'm sorry that circumstances forced her out into the world at such a tender age. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. She sounds like a hell of a person, to have made it. I WAS awed, and you SHOULD be proud of her! I don't even want to imagine what could have happened to her all alone out there. Much less what could happen to a 13 year old who tried the same thing today. Just to begin with, people that age aren't legally employable in the US. And good luck trying to rent a place to live (even a motel room) if you're 13.

Thanks to my son, I spend a lot of time around 7th graders these days. They are silly, smart, energetic, funny, lazy and entertaining. And from this 52 year old's viewpoint, yes, they are still children. Yes, people used to assume more responsibility at a younger age. Maybe that's bad, maybe that's good. But it's not toogood's fault. Don't place the blame on her for what you perceive as society's ills. (You old fogey, you. :wink: )
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 07:01 pm
toogood18 wrote:
i made this thread that gay chai tea and her girlfriend shewolfnm and nickfun came on here to talk about vaginas and crap

Ha! I love it. I'm putting that in the "Things people posted that would make perfect sig lines" thread.

You're alright in my book, toogood. I don't care how you choose to spell.

Seriously, who gives a damn?
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 07:28 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
Eva wrote:
Is it really too much to ask a 13 year old to write an intelligent sentence? Is it wrong to feel annoyed when you get as an answer "I don't want to"?

You and I agree on this one. I really get annoyed when spelling and sentence structure go out the window.

The "other" form maybe appropriate somewhere else, like amongst their friends, but not here, in my opinion.
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Region Philbis
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 08:15 pm
Eva wrote:
I think that's too young, though. Thirteen is not an adult by anyone's definition.

i beg to differ...

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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 08:42 pm
I heard the Virgin Mary was only 13. So that's the perfect age according to some sources.
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 08:46 pm
toogood18 wrote:
i made this thread that gay chai tea and her girlfriend shewolfnm and nickfun came on here to talk about vaginas and crap

Alright! I get TWO babes! That's TWO vaginas for me!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 09:00 pm
unless any of u can come to my house and tell me how to write or when u turn into my parents all of a sudden i will do what i please like i said if i choose to write without punctuation that's my problem not any of you should worry about what i do and i made this thread i didn't tell any of u to come in here now did i
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 09:29 pm
Region Philbis wrote:
Eva wrote:
I think that's too young, though. Thirteen is not an adult by anyone's definition.

i beg to differ...


Point taken. Laughing
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 10:40 pm
Nick and Chai Tai at the senior prom.
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 10:42 pm
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Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 10:44 pm
Chai, may I have this dance?
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 07:36 am
Butrflynet wrote:
Nick and Chai Tai at the senior prom.

Oh Butrfly!

That reminds me of a story from when I was 16!

I was at some summer job slinging pizza on the Pt. Pleasant Boardwalk, and the friend of the owner came in to share some news with her about a mutual friend.

Looking back I can guess the friend was telling the owner of the pizza place...."Mabel's in the hospital, she's got terrible angina, it's so painful she can't even talk"

Well, what MY ears heard was "she's got a purple vagina, it's so painful she can't even talk" Shocked Shocked

They must have thought I was an extremely sensitive, concerned 16 year old, because I was so frantic...."OMG, she can't even TALK!!! It must be SO bad if she can't even talk!!!!"
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 07:37 am
toogood18 wrote:
i made this thread that gay chai tea and her girlfriend shewolfnm and nickfun came on here to talk about vaginas and crap

That has to be the most mature thing you've said yet.

Rolling Eyes
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:16 am
Indeed. Very grown up.
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Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 06:22 am
toogood If you post here again please, please use some punctuation, just to proove that you can. See if you can choose to use a comma occasionally.

It kinda funny how my views are about halfway between eva and chai.

Just by the way, I dont want you to like me too much. I'm still someone you met on the internet. You can make judgements about the personalities of people who post here but those judgements can only be valid whilst on the net The real person may be completly different and you should always have this in the back of your mind.

Do you understand this?
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Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 10:24 am
Yes, I do understand that. I don't like you like that, I meant I like you better than them other losers.
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Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 10:46 am
dadpad wrote:
... just to proove that you can...

Don't you just hate those days where you can't go back and edit your post and make corrections, because someone else has just jumped in just after you?
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Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 11:57 am
I think the kid is funny.

I can ill imagine anything more juvenile than adults bating juveniles for sport.

I think the kid could be lying and is actually younger than 13.

I think the kid could be lying and is actually much older and fishing undercover to catch a pervert like Kicky.

I think it's time to watch the Packers kick some A$$!
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