Yesterday, in another thread discussing respect and flaming, I argued that some heated debate should be allowed -- that flaming alone was not the cancer some people see it to be. I then wrote:
Quote:And don't kid yourself about Abuzz, for instance.
It was not the down and dirty that done her in -- it was the lack of control over the assumed identities and multiple screen names that did that job.
Gimme five nut cases like some of the people we all can name from Abuzz -- but never allow them to ever change their screen name nor have any extra entries to the site -- and I'll show you a sitution in which YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM.
I should have added: "...or people stealing other people's identities."
These kinds of things -- changing screen names; multiple screen names; identity theft -- are a very serious problem. I hope the monitors check this out and get to the bottom of it.
Fact is, (no offense GreenEyes) I hope GreenEyes has been careless with her password -- and that the "carelessness" is the explanation rather than a chink in the A2K armor.