Re: Past Lifes
i am frankie wrote:Can anyone please tell me anything they know. I sorta think this could be true but i also think alot could be true. I would also like to know any wiccan point of views thanx:D
Call me Hill, Sam Hill...(used to think that was my name)
Call me King...King of the Peons (used to think I was some level of royalty)
Call me Ishmael...well, maybe you better not...and don't call me Ish kabibble either...
Call me interesting book by a fellow named Kaufman....
What I am telling you is that yeah, I believe there are past run-throughs and some future ones too. There's a reincarnation thread around here somewhere which might also be of interest to you Frankie.
Part of what gets me to this place is the simpler facts. A few years ago I wrote a book (not necessarily a good one; but, it was a book) and in it I mentioned a location and described it down to the last detail including where a door was and things of that nature. A few years later I was in that same city and there was the place at the same location (Southwest corner) as I had described. It was and always had been an eatery with 2 floors of apartments above it. I had never been in that section of that city before. Additionally as soon as I set foot in the area I began walking around with a very real sense of familiarity. I even knew the exact location of the Lithuanian Hall which had been there since before my current life...and I'm not Lithuanian so why would I have had any knowledge of it? I recall coming around the corner and knowing a familiar structure was situated a little ways up the block although I did not know what it was going to be...again, it was just a sense of familiarity.
So, don't take my word for about that of a friend of mine who had a similar experience?
As to the Karma question, I am sure there is a level of payback for bad deeds done while hanging out on Planet Ebsfroeworoeo (the real name of Earth).