Wed 18 Jun, 2003 05:07 pm
The latest release is about to come out, Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix.
Are you a fan? Or is it not your cup of tea? My nephew is a big fan, and my folks have been reading along in order to keep up with him. Me, I'm not much of a fan, but then again I'm running out of books on my current to-read list. Should I pick up the first four volumes (the first four volumes are Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire)? Looks like they're going fairly inexpensively, and I do enjoy Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Would I like Harry Potter, perhaps? Or should I remain a Muggle?
What's your recommendation?
Harry Potter
If you haven't read any of the Harry Potter books be sure to begin with the very first, and take them in order. There are references and connections which might not otherwise make sense.
Bear in mind that they are basically English school stories, and the fun is seeing the magic operating within that setting. The author is VERY knowledgeable about mythology and magic - a three-headed dog plays a role in one of the books, for example.
Personally I was hooked from the get-go, but I've always enjoyed school stories. These are well-written, move fast, and, once you have accepted the basic premise of a school of magic, logical and convincing.
If you are interested in talking books, the tapes of these are extremely well read although the version is the American "translation", rather than English usage. I don't know of any recording of the original English books. In view of this regrettable linguistic dumbing down, I chose to buy the original English books from Amazon u.k.
Anyway, I'm waiting eagerly for HP & The Order of the Phoenix to make it across the Atlantic and into my mailbox!
I have read the first four and am captivated. I am sorely disappointed I did not have these books to grow up with. (Don't try to fudge by seeing the films instead - They are not as good).
Do take the Harry Potter series in order, as has been suggested.
The books are splendid and I can't wait until I receive the "Phoenix" book which appears in bookstores across the land beginning Saturday.
Is this the one where he surrenders to the Dark Side and divorces Mrs Skywalker?
Edgar is dead-eye on point, jespah.
As I've said before, the reason she is the first billionaire author is because she writes good books.*
Excellent fast read, and in the same genre, check out Holes, awesome stuff for the youngsters, and us middlesters too!
*She also has better editors than I.
I'll be waiting for "Harry Potter and the Mid-life Crisis".
The characters actually age with each new book. You could be right, Mr. Stillwater.
Harry Potter
If you want to know the definition to total frustration, here it is: has lost my order for the new Harry Potter!
Here I am, with all the rest of Harry Potter freaks, drooling over the immediate prospect of following his latest adventures, and I will get nothing!
A small problem in the larger scheme of things, but humongous in terms of this thread.
Yes, add them to your list, jespah. I'm currently reading the third one. I recommend them too.
Tomkitten, you can help out A2K by using the Amazon links at the left side of the Home page in future.
I think you'd enjoy Harry Potter. Start with Volume I and then continue...
All is not lost. Amazon is shipping books today for Saturday delivery but you can circumvent Amazon.
Most of the local bookstores are offering discounted Harry Potter V, from midnight on (well before UPS starts deliveries) as are three grocery stores!
You could get to the grocery at 7 and beat the UPS man.
I suggest you take the first H.P. out of the library to see if you like it. I am not a fan. I find the books fat, but the writing thin.
I have one criticism to make: The fourth volume could have been just as good shortened somewhat. Still, I read it through and was satisfied at the end.
Yeah, I heard the 4th volume was very long (probably the longest book my nephew has ever read).
I thought I caught a hint that the new one is even longer.
The books have, to my understanding, been intentionally both longer, and darker as the series progresses.
Sure, it would make sense that as Voldemort grows ever more powerful, it would grow darker. Plus the personality clashes and the fact the kids are growing up makes for some conflicts they would have been too innocent to encounter early on. By the end of the series, I have read, one of the major plaers will die. No clue which, but I am guessing Harry's best friend.
yes Jespah i too think you'd enjoy them. She is a very good writer with a great imagination and the books never sink to 'cute' (- yuk!)
They are getting darker. I didn't think the 4th book was too long - and this one looked much longer when seen on the news.
The others are right that it is essential to read them in order.
I am really looking forward to getting mine from Amazon.
I wonder who she kills off? Dumbledore/Hagrid/Ron?????????
anyone for Quidditch?
I am a Potter tepid person.
I must have liked them well enough, because I finished them - and it is a joy to see children reading and loving it (though it seems not to generalize, sadly!) and many of the themes dealt with are, I think, important ones - but I would certainly not be rushing out to get the new one until it is waaaaaay cheaper.
Harry Potter

I take it all back. did NOT lose my order. They were right on the ball, and Harry is slowly making his way across the Atlantic.
It seems that when I switched from AOL I wound up with two Amazon uk accounts.
Just setting the record straight...