Oh Goodness! No, Not you too John?
Recently, in
All are Religious Zealots, One pointed out the fact that all are religious zealots. This means that in one way or the other, all peoples are religious fanatics. In that post we presented a short list of people who are zealous or fanatical about their religion or beliefs. And what do you know, along comes Sir Elton John begging to add his group to the list. Some may try to argue that his statement was not fanatical. But seriously, what is more fanatical than proposing to get rid of religion or beliefs. One would sure like to see how he proposes to accomplish this feat without destroying billions of people.
You see, in this world, most people are unable to sit back and truly observe what is going on around them. But once they do, they will see that there is only two differences between those who are labeled as zealous or fanatics and those who are doing the labeling. These differences are seen in positions and cloaking: First, those who are in positions of power can label anyone anything that they wish. And once labeled, who is going to argue with them. This is the problem that Jesus had with the Pharisees. They labeled him a troublemaker and a miscreant. But what could he do? The Pharisees had the positions and the power. So, whatever they had labeled Jesus, was what he was seen as by the majority.
Secondly, those who are doing the labeling are doing a better job of covering up their own fanaticism. The only difference between Jesus' fanaticism and the fanaticism of the Pharisees, is seen in what they were fanatic or zealous about. While Jesus was fanatic about Equity, Justice, and fulfilling the true will of God, many of the Pharisees were not. Instead, they were fanatic about material or sensual goods, robbing the poor and preserving their power. And because they were fanatic about these things, they became hypocritical. And in order to cover up their hypocrisy and fanaticism, they had everyone focus on Jesus' "evil" fanaticism.
So, whether they realize it or not, or whether they admit it or not, the majority of individuals who are labeling others as fanatics, are themselves fanatical about something. The only difference between the labelers and the labeled, is seen in what each person is fanatical or zealous about. There are a lot of closeted fanatics out there, and once in a while, one will make the mistake of spilling his or her thoughts out to the public.
If given the right opportunity and environment, One can guarantee you that Mr. John would like nothing better than to oversee the fulfillment of his goal of: the disappearance of those whom he considers to be a threat to his religion. That is human nature.
Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.