Mon 13 Nov, 2006 03:03 am
Hell, a place where we are sent in the afterlife if we do not follow the rules god has set out for us. Some of which I find really stupid, for example, not attending church, premarital sex, homosexuals, etc.
God cares for everyone of us, yet if we were to commit or be anyone of the things mentioned above, we would be sent to hell. Why is that? I have a strong hunch that these aren't rules god created, more like the people who practice this religion. If god cared for us, he wouldn't allow for us to be tormented like the ways described in the bible for eternity. Sorry for the incoherent structure of this post, I'm really tired right now but I can't sleep.
No wonder you can't sleep, worrying about such topics. Don't you have more realistic notions to think about?
Perhaps you might spend more time reading the bible more carefully than worrying about things that it does not say.
Luke . . . Come over to the dark side.
Of course, the idea of automatic life after death is not supported by the scriptures.
Re: Hell can't exist, heaven is what we make of our after li
crayon851 wrote:I have a strong hunch that these aren't rules god created, more like the people who practice this religion.
Hey, I have a strong hunch just like that!
They say bad posture can give you a strong hunch.
Have you got a strong hunch, or are you just glad to see me?
Re: Hell can't exist, heaven is what we make of our after li
crayon851 wrote:Hell, a place where we are sent in the afterlife if we do not follow the rules god has set out for us. Some of which I find really stupid, for example, not attending church, premarital sex, homosexuals, etc.
God cares for everyone of us, yet if we were to commit or be anyone of the things mentioned above, we would be sent to hell. Why is that? I have a strong hunch that these aren't rules god created, more like the people who practice this religion. If god cared for us, he wouldn't allow for us to be tormented like the ways described in the bible for eternity. Sorry for the incoherent structure of this post, I'm really tired right now but I can't sleep.
Hell exists crayon. I know for a fact. I live in it some days. Well it feels like it anyway.
Re: Hell can't exist, heaven is what we make of our after li
crayon851 wrote:Hell, a place where we are sent in the afterlife if we do not follow the rules god has set out for us. Some of which I find really stupid, for example, not attending church, premarital sex, homosexuals, etc.
God cares for everyone of us, yet if we were to commit or be anyone of the things mentioned above, we would be sent to hell. Why is that? I have a strong hunch that these aren't rules god created, more like the people who practice this religion. If god cared for us, he wouldn't allow for us to be tormented like the ways described in the bible for eternity. Sorry for the incoherent structure of this post, I'm really tired right now but I can't sleep.
Ask those people in Darfur if Hell exists.
Do you think you know what they would say?
What many Christians believe is that hell, separation from God, is a place you find yourself when you do receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.
It was he who died on the cross to pay the price for all of the sins we humans commit daily.
No one can earn salvation on their own, especially not by trying to
follow certain laws, because as humans, we can't possibly do it!
Knowing and truly believing this, is why I never have trouble sleeping.
But then again, this doesn't mean, I can do whatever I want!
Out of gratitude for what Jesus did for me, I try to live the kind
of life he wants us to live, the life he modeled for us while he
was here on earth. I know I can't do it perfectly, but out of
respect and thanks, I try to give it my best shot.
tomasso wrote:
Out of gratitude for what Jesus did for me, I try to live the kind
of life he wants us to live, the life he modeled for us while he
was here on earth.
Out of gratitude, or out of fear? Or both?
I suppose there could be a little fear mixed in with that.
If you truly believe in the Almighty who created the heavens
and the earth! We're talking about a truly AWESOME Being here.
I sense a lot of people try to put Him on an equal level with us humans.
No, it's Someone who truly deserves our obedience, fear and respect.
tomasso wrote:I suppose there could be a little fear mixed in with that.
If you truly believe in the Almighty who created the heavens
and the earth! We're talking about a truly AWESOME Being here.
I sense a lot of people try to put Him on an equal level with us humans.
No, it's Someone who truly deserves our obedience, fear and respect.
One part fear is one less part love.
Even after all these years, I am still sometimes completely flabbergasted that people actually believe this stuff.
That's what keeps life interesting, Herr Doktor!
To be able be flabbergasted!!!
Who knows, it might even help bring about a change now and then!!!
Doktor S wrote:Even after all these years, I am still sometimes completely flabbergasted that people actually believe this stuff.
Ah, Satan still has you delussioned with this Wordly-life? Haven't you learned anything the Devil promises is nothing more than an illusion? I find it ironic that Satan himself believes in God and fears him, yet you do not.
...''Belief bears the seed of a sort of Paradise, while unbelief conceals the seed of a sort of Hell.
And just as unbelief is a seed of Hell, so Hell is one of its fruits. And just as unbelief is the reason for being sent to Hell, so it is the cause of Hell's existence and creation.
For if an insignificant ruler of small dignity, small pride, and small majesty is told impudently by some unmannerly person: "You may not punish me and you cannot," if there is no prison in that place, the ruler will certainly have one built for him and will throw him into it.
However, by denying Hell, the unbeliever is giving the lie to One of infinite dignity, pride, and glory, Who is sublimely and infinitely powerful, and is accusing Him of impotence, lying, and powerlessness; he is insulting His dignity and offending His pride terribly. He is rebelliously causing affront to His glory.
If, to suppose the impossible, there was no reason for Hell's existence, it would certainly be created for unbelief, which comprises denial and ascribing impotence to this degree, and such an unbeliever would certainly be cast into it.''.......
28.word BSN
Raul-7 wrote:Doktor S wrote:Even after all these years, I am still sometimes completely flabbergasted that people actually believe this stuff.
Ah, Satan still has you delussioned with this Wordly-life? Haven't you learned anything the Devil promises is nothing more than an illusion? I find it ironic that Satan himself believes in God and fears him, yet you do not.
I find it ironic that you would criticize someone else's "illusion".
echi wrote:Raul-7 wrote:Doktor S wrote:Even after all these years, I am still sometimes completely flabbergasted that people actually believe this stuff.
Ah, Satan still has you delussioned with this Wordly-life? Haven't you learned anything the Devil promises is nothing more than an illusion? I find it ironic that Satan himself believes in God and fears him, yet you do not.
I find it ironic that you would criticize someone else's "illusion".
This is not dellusion, this is the truth from your Creator.
They swear by God with their most earnest oaths that God will not raise up those who die, when, on the contrary, it is a binding promise on Him; but most people do not know it. (Surat an-Nahl: 38)