Thank you for posting that, Phoenix. I've been aware of the court's decision for the past hour and more, all the time browsing A2K, and wondering when someone will post a thread on this subject. Never occurred to me that I could have done what you just did.
Anyway, I don't see how Saddam's case could have much of an impact on the coming elections one way or the other. I think it would look ludicrous if the GOP tried to claim any sort of credit for the Iraqui court's decision. Saddam, if anything, is an embarrasment right now. First he was "our" dictator, staunchly fighting the "enemy" -- the Iranians. Then he became a pariah by invading Kuwait and our attitude toward him changed. (I mean, what the hell! The American hostages in Iran had been released. That was sooo last year.) Then when Goergey-boy invaded Iraq, Saddam almost got away. Another embarrasment. It took some Iraqui "snitches" for us to finally locate and arrest him. We should'a nailed him when we bombed his palaces. The trial itself was an embarrasment. If the GOP tries to use Saddam as an example of how well they're handling things in Iraq, they'll fall flat on their faces. Any half-decent spinmeister would use the couple of points I just made to rip the Bush administration apart.