Sat 14 Jun, 2003 02:53 pm
Seems our ozone layer is being destroyed by cow's breath.
When do we begin slaughtering the cows? Gonna have a whole lot of problems in India. c.i.
I've heard it's not the breath of the cow but, uh, the other end.
COWS, due to their ruminiferous persuasion, are able to emit methane and "town gas" from either orifice. Quite remarkeable really.
I know some people who could use the special diets they are suggesting for the cows as well, lol!
Montana, Are they friend or foe? LOL c.i.
People I've crossed paths with through the years. I have a cousin who was really bad, but he doesn't live around here. We hung around together when we were kids and I learned at a very young age to never walk directly behind him because he was relentless ;-) He's one of the funniest people I know though ;-)