The Law of the Influence of One
In today's world, a popular misconception regarding the effects generated by the actions of others, has successfully established itself in the minds of many. Those who currently reside in the earth, have come to the dangerous conclusion that actions which are committed within the confines of a wall, will stay within those borders. And since these actions are somehow immured within those parameters, those who reside on the outside of those walls have no need to worry about the effects which they generate. As One will soon see, this notion is mistaken.
Through their spiritual observances, the ancients continued to receive many revelations. And as a result of these revelatory experiences, they continued to increase in wisdom and knowledge. And as they increased in that wisdom and knowledge, they continued to progress out of that state of relative ignorance. And as they moved out of that state of ignorance, their knowledge of how sacrifice operates became progressively greater. And during this time, one of the things which they became aware of, is the power or the influence which a sacrifice or an action generates. They learned that this power or influence is the key to a sacrifice's transformational power. In addition, they observed that regardless of size or location, every sacrifice or action generates a minimum and variable amount of influence. And once generated, this influence will emanate uninhibited into the surrounding universe. And without regard for time, it would eventually produce a variety of changes. To the observers, this meant two things: First, the sacrifice and actions of One were just as significant as the sacrifice and actions of many. And secondly, the sacrifice and actions of One who is separated by time and space, is just as significant as the sacrifice and actions of One who is in the immediate vicinity. Therefore, the ancients came to the conclusion that regardless of location, time, and or size, all sacrifice and actions are of great importance.
As the ancients continued with their observations, they soon realized that there were two different types of influences at work in the universe. And each influence was generated by a different type of sacrifice. First, there was a Positive Influence. This influence was generated when there was a presentation of what would eventually be known as a Suitable or Appropriate Immolation. If One will recall, in
Application of Immolation, we became aware of the fact that a Suitable Immolation is a sacrifice or action which is fitting or proper for the solution of a problem. And because it is fitting or proper, it is seen as virtuous, excellent, and respectable. Secondly, there was a Negative Influence. This influence was generated when there was a presentation of what would eventually be known as an Improper or Unseemly Immolation. Once again, if One will recall, in
Application of Immolation, we became aware of the fact that an Improper Immolation is a sacrifice or action which is seen as inappropriate, indecorous, and not worthy of respect.
During these observations, one question inevitably arose: How and why does the sacrifice or actions of One influence or effect all? As the ancients continued with their observances, the answer was gradually revealed. First, they became aware of the fact that all things in the universe collectively exists in multiple dimensions. Meanwhile, all of these dimensions collectively exists in One continuous flowing Body or Stream. From this revelation, they came to a conclusion of: All things exist in multiple dimensions that are continuously and simultaneously moving in multiple streams which collectively form One Body or Universe.
Secondly, it was revealed that existing is in itself an action. And since all things exist in many dimensions, this meant that everything in this universe is given the appearance of moving in a constant wavy motion. And because of this movement, everything in this universe is continuously generating ripples. And because all things collectively exist in multiple dimensions, then everything is continuously generating multiple ripples. Therefore, while in this Stream, these multiple generations which are caused from existing, will collectively form a giant continuous Ripple.
Thirdly, all ripples are continuously producing an influence which may be classified as a Positive or Negative Influence or Effect. And depending on placement or positions, this Positive or Negative Influence or Effect will increase or decrease. This meant that without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command, just by existing, everything is producing a certain amount of Positive or Negative Influence or Effect on other things. And by being in a certain position or place, this Influence or effect will be greater or lesser
Fourthly, besides the ripples of Positive or Negative influence generated from existing, everything has the potential to produce additional ripples of Positive or Negative influence through added movement or action.
From these four revelations, the ancients came to four propositions in respects to groups, persons, and nation: First, since everything exists in multiple dimensions that are continuously and simultaneously moving in multiple streams which collectively form One Body or Universe; then, each person, group, and nation exists in multiple dimensions that are continuously and simultaneously moving in multiple streams which collectively form One Body or Universe.
Secondly, since existing is in itself an action, and all things exists in multiple dimensions, and by existing, all things are continuously generating multiple ripples; then, by existing, each group, person, and nation is continuously generating multiple ripples.
Thirdly, since just by existing, everything is producing a Positive or Negative Influence or Effect on other things; then, just by existing, each group, person, and nation is continuously producing a Positive or Negative Influence or Effect on other groups, persons, or nations. And since this Influence or Effect increase or decrease depending on placement or position; then, by their placement or position each group, person and nation increases or decreases their Influence on other groups, persons, or nations.
Fourthly, since everything has the potential to produce additional ripples of Positive or Negative Influence through added movement and action; then, each group, person, and nation has the potential to produce additional ripples of Positive or Negative Influence through their added movement or action.
From these four propositions, the ancients came to three final conclusions regarding groups, persons and nations:
First, as the nations exist within the Stream, they will collectively generate continuous Positive or Negative Ripples of Influence within the universe. The overall charge of these Ripples of Influence will be determined by the charge of the Influence generated by the collective movements and actions of these nations. If the charge of this Influence is Positive, it will influence and move the universe in a Positive direction. If the charge of this Influence is Negative, it will influence and move the universe in a Negative direction.
Secondly, while the nations are collectively generating continuous Positive or Negative Ripples of Influence, each nation will individually generate its own Positive or Negative Ripples of Influence. The overall charge of these Ripples will be determined by the charge of the Influence generated by the collective movements and actions of that nations people. If the charge of this Influence is Positive it will influence and move the nation in a Positive direction. If the charge of this Influence is Negative, it will influence and move the nation in a Negative direction.
Thirdly, while a nation is collectively generating its own Positive or Negative Ripples of Influence, each person will individually generate their own Positive or Negative Ripples of Influence. The charge of these Ripples will be determined by the charge of the Influence generated by the collective movements and actions of each individual. Therefore, if the charge of this Influence is Positive, it will influence and move people in a Positive direction. If the charge of this Influence is Negative, it will influence and move people in a Negative direction.
From these three conclusions the ancients came to answer their question of: How and why does the sacrifice or actions of One have an effect on all? Since the influence of each nation is determined by the collective movements and actions of the people, then influence flowed up from the people. This meant that change started when One individual transformed their movements and actions. And for Good or Bad, as that One individual moves to change their sacrifice or actions, they will influence and move those around them to change their sacrifice or actions. And as each One of those individuals changes their sacrifices or actions, it will influence those around them to change their sacrifices or actions. As this continues, it will produce what is known as a Ripple Effect. And as this Ripple Effect spreads, it will cause a transformation in the nation. This change will eventually affect all who reside within that nation. And when that One nation changes, it will move the other nations to change. And for Good or Bad, when the other nations change, it will change the whole universe. So through the sacrifice and actions of One person, all will be affected.
If One will recall, in
TOTL (Jonas) we touched on this fact in respects to the people of Nineveh. If One will notice the order of repentance. At Jonah's preaching, the people of Nineveh repented first. And when word came to the King of Nineveh, he was moved to repent. So through the movement and actions of the people, Nineveh changed. And through that change, it avoided sure destruction.
Finally, from these observations, the ancients made note that the effect or influence which is generated by One's sacrifice or action is governed by an important fundamental principle. This fundamental principle which is known as The Law of the Influence of One states, "
Whether Suitable or Improper, the sacrifice, lack of sacrifice, actions or inactions of One influences the whole." If One will examine the Holy Scripture, they will see the Negative aspects of this Law written in the story of Adam and Eve. Through that One act, many lives are changed for the worse. And if One will examine, the story of Jesus, they will see the Positive aspect of this Law written into that glorious sacrifice. Through that One act, many lives are steadily transformed for the better.
Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Mark 9:49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.
Philippians 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.