Application of Immolation
Recently, as we continued our journey towards recalling those things which many have forgotten, we started to examine the act of sacrifice. And during the first part of our examination, we remembered some important facts about sacrifice which the ancients had discovered. First, we recalled the fact, that despite what their earlier ancestors had come to believe, later generations of Man discovered that sacrifice is not limited to the arena of animal slaughter. Instead, through their observations, they saw that it is a phenomenon which extends into the very essence of Man's existence. And since it extends into the very essence of Man's existence, it is necessary for life. Also, through these observations, they eventually realized that with the correct or incorrect application of immolation, One would receive certain desirable or undesirable reactions from God. These reactions which are extremely important, could and would direct and transform the very course of One's existence.
Secondly, we were reminded that God has established many fundamental Laws within this universe. These laws which govern and control the workings of the world are fair and applicable to all. And since they are applicable to all, no one is excluded from their jurisdiction. And since they are fair, all who are within their respective jurisdictions are treated equitably.
Finally, we were reminded of the Law of Immolation. This law, which is chief among laws, is found encoded in the story of Jesus' sacrifice. The Law of Immolation tells us that, "Whether visible or invisible, large or small, there can be no transformation without a sacrifice." The universe is built on a system of exchange; therefore, One cannot expect a change where there has been no sacrifice. Today, as we continue, let us examine this immolation along with its application.
To continue to comprehend the Law of Immolation, One must understand that no sacrifice goes without appraisal. Good or evil, right or wrong, God evaluates all sacrifice. If One will recall from
Organization, Combination, and Cooperation (God ), this evaluation is part of God's primary function. Now, after this evaluation, each sacrifice will bring its own reaction or reward
(Prov. 26:10). And as the ancients discovered, these reactions or rewards are of the utmost importance. As we have previously mentioned, for better or worse, when applied, these reactions are able to direct and transform the course of One's very existence. Therefore, because of thiss importance, there are certain Rules of Application which govern the presentation of a sacrifice. As Cain and many others have found out, God does not look highly upon sacrifice which is not applied or presented correctly. The sacrifice which One presents must be in accordance with what is required, and follow a certain procedure.
Now, this application or presentation leads us to the four Principles of Application. These principles are keys to understanding some of the facts of nature which underlie the workings of Man's world. The first Principle of Application states, "
Immolation is effective only through suitable or appropriate application." This means that a desired effect, change, reaction, or reward can only come through the application or presentation of what is known as a "
Suitable or Appropriate Immolation." A Suitable or Appropriate Immolation is a sacrifice that is fitting or proper for the solution of a problem. And because it is fitting or proper, it is seen as virtuous, excellent, and respectable.
The second Principle of Application states, "
Sacrifice is ineffective only through an improper application." This means that a desired effect, change, reaction or reward will not come through the application or presentation of what is known as an "Improper or Unseemly Immolation" An "
Improper or Unseemly Immolation" includes any and all sacrifice which is not called for. And since it is not called for, it is not suited for the solution of a problem. This type of sacrifice is seen as inappropriate, indecorous, and not worthy of respect. This also includes No sacrifice. No sacrifice presented, is equivalent to an "Improper or Unseemly Immolation." One cannot expect a desired effect, change, reaction, reward, if One chooses to apply or present no sacrifice.
To apply or present a "Suitable Immolation," One must first understand that all successful sacrifices Start and Finish with love. Without true love, an individual will not successfully present or apply a "Suitable Sacrifice." Without true love One may Start the process of application, but they will not Finish. Therefore, true love is the first and most important ingredient in the application and presentation of a sacrifice.
Now, to properly present a sacrifice, there are certain procedures which One must follow. By correctly following these steps, One reduces the risk of presenting a sacrifice which will be rejected.
First, One must correctly identify the problem. This means that through objective observation, there must first be a complete dissection and analyzation of One's situation. And after the finish of this analysis, One must judiciously determine or establish the identity of the problem. Now, this first step is an extremely important one. This is because when One analyzes a situation there may be a myriad number of factors involved. To those who are not sagacious, each one of these factors may appear to be the problem. But many of the times, these factors which seem to be the cause, are only symptoms of the actual problem which lies beneath. Therefore, when arriving at a conclusion, One must make sure that that they have correctly identified the problem and not a symptom. A misdiagnosis in this area, will often lead to irreversible and deadly consequences. An individual with a malignant cancer, who is diagnosed as having ulcers, is only continuing to move in a direction which is positioned to end in the grave. .
Secondly, One must identify their goal. This means that One must determine the end toward which the sacrifice is directed. They must decide whether or not the end toward which they are sacrificing, is a realistic or attainable goal. To present a sacrifice for an aim which God will not allow, is extremely futile and foolish.
Thirdly, One must identify the type of immolation which they will present. This means that after correctly identifying the problem and the goal, One must now judiciously decide on a Suitable or Appropriate Sacrifice. Once again, this calls for objectivity. In order to correctly determine the sacrifice which is needed, One cannot be affected or clouded by their personal views, experience, or background. Choosing a sacrifice is equally as important as identifying the problem. To choose an Improper or Unseemly Sacrifice is akin to a misdiagnosis. An individual who chooses to amputate his leg after it has been shown that there is a cancer in his arm, is in the same boat as an individual who has been improperly diagnosed. In the End, both will likely perish.
Fourthly, One must accurately calculate the level of immolation. This means that One must correctly estimate the amount of sacrifice which will be applied. This again calls for judicious objectivity. In order to correctly gauge the amount of sacrifice needed, One cannot be affected or clouded by their personal views, feelings, experience, or background. Choosing the level of immolation is equally as important as identifying the problem and selecting the type of sacrifice which will be presented. To choose a level of sacrifice which does not equal or surpass the problem is an exercise in futility. To choose to amputate a toe when a whole leg is cancerous, is utterly foolish and useless.
Fifthly, One must present or apply the immolation. After the completion of the first four steps, One is now prepared to formally bestow or apply the sacrifice.
Now, the biggest stumbling block to the presentation of a sacrifice has always been the presenter. This is because, many have a hard time perceiving a situation from an objective standpoint. Therefore, to say to some that they must sacrifice something that they hold dear for a greater good, is seen by many as unconscionable and foolish. But this is exactly what Jesus tells Believers to do. In
Matt. 18:8-9 Jesus instructs his followers that it is better for One to sacrifice an offensive member which they hold dear, than to allow the whole body to be cast into hell. Everybody loves their individual bodily parts; even so, it is utterly irrational and foolish for One to hold on to a member who is leading their whole body to destruction and ruin just because of a temporal sentimental attachment. For example;
In a remote area where there is no help, an individual who has his arm pinned under a rock is currently on a fast track to death. While pinned under that rock, he has two choices. For the sake of not losing his arm, he may choose to apply an Improper Sacrifice by staying and waiting for help. Or he can choose to apply an Appropriate sacrifice and go to help. For him to choose to stay because he has a sentimental attachment to his arm is absurd and foolish. It is more reasonable to dismember the arm and save the body. To allow the destruction of the body for the sake of saving that arm is totally irrational. Therefore, the individual must apply a Suitable or Appropriate Sacrifice and dismember the arm.
Finally, if One desires to present a sacrifice to God, they must do it correctly. As many in the past have learned, a sacrifice that is improperly presented, will only garner a negative reaction or reward. God does not think highly of those who present a half-hearted sacrifice (
Rev 3:16)). Therefore, to give an acceptable sacrifice, One must present it through all faith and love.
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service.
Philippians 4:18 But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things [which were sent] from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.
1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.