Wed 11 Oct, 2006 09:58 pm
I've taken on my dogs identity for my screen name. Yes Marty is a barker!
Mine too (barker), but his name is Max, so I couldn't have used his
name. Besides, he's a coward, and Calamity Jane won't have any
of that.
My barker, Pacco the corgi - actually, Pacco dono, the corgi - was my avatar for a long time. He'd still be if I'd only activate my old computer and get data off of it, including his old avatar pic, which I'm Very Fond Of.
I have other photos, but am having trouble getting them down below 6 kb for an avatar.
But, hey, I could post them on the thread. I will. After Marty gets to show and tell.
I'd love you to meet Mr. Marty but that means I have to figure out how to post a photo? Is it fairly easy to do?
Yes, let's you upload pictures from your computer.
Once you have the URL you add [img] URL [/img] (without spaces)
and voila, the picture appears.
OK CJ, let's see if this works.
Introducing the REAL Marty Barker(Mr. Marty Barker)
It worked!!! Marty is awfully cute. Looks like a Westhighland Terrier?
Marty is a mini schnauzer and loyal friend. He follows me everywhere around the house and if I'm sitting down he'll come over and lay his head on my knees for a little scratch on the head.
Is he a Westie? or?
I've heretofore not been so attracted to what I call small dogs. Though I like virtually all dogs and cats and on and on. Usually.
But not being a obedience trainer now, I am unlikely as I galumph on in age to be able to handle, say, a Wolfhound.. and I cast my eye toward smaller.
Marty the Barker is quite the handsome one.
Ah, on the second picture I see him with a stuffed animal.
Our Max has lots of stuffed animals - we call "Minky" - and he won't play with anything else. But his Minkys must squeak, talk or make some sort of noises, otherwise he won't play with them.
A mini Schnauzer, I don't know about them. Will have to research.
I have a hunch corgis may have a schnauzer background, but I may be mixing this up. (It starts with S - I don't pay that much attention to breeding matters, though I loved Best in Show, and watch Westminster.)
If I drag over pictures of Pacco, they'll be recent and big (they're what is on this computer). I'll wait to give other people a chance before I come in with giant photos.
One of my barkers - Sam (with young human freind)
A somewhat larger dog than Marty, I imagine.
Shiatzu, I can't see it...
(or however you spell that dog)
Look at Sam. He looks so content.
No, timber's dog is no Shitzu
That looks like a big friendly
teddy bear. What kind is it Timber?
You know that was colloquial for ****, I can't see it. Too bad I can't spell Shitzu.
Who knows, maybe my desk top has too much on it yet again. Once in a while I can't see photos when others can. But I've seen other photos of Timber's dogs on the land..
Sam's generally reasonably content, CJ. He's mostly Rottweiler, with a touch of Golden Retriever, weighs around 160 pounds, has a 28" neck and paws the size of baseballs. Pretty mellow pup - he knows he's big, and he doesn't put up with much foolishness - from critters or folks. When he snarls, which is rare, it gets noticed, and if he growls, which happens even more rarely, it really gets noticed. He doesn't really bark much, but whern he does, he figures there's something to bark at, and Dad oughtta come take a look. His bark litterally shakes windows.
Sam looks to be the size of a VW bus.
And, psst, it's
Shih Tsu
MartyBarker, your dog is SO cute!