Fri 6 Oct, 2006 11:23 pm
In The End I Love Me More
2 Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 Timothy 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2 Timothy 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2 Timothy 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
During the End, there is always a sure fire way to separate those who genuinely love God and the Messias from those who for years have been pretending to love them. All One has to do is to point out to Believers that they have to follow the commandments of God. After this is revealed, immediately two groups will become apparent. And here is how:
You see, those who have a genuine love for God do not care about keeping his commandments. Therefore, when this revelation is given to them, they just shrug their shoulders and receive it with joy. Their love for God and his Messias is so strong that they will do whatever it takes to please them. If God asks them to climb the highest mountain, they will immediately ask, When can we start? If Messias asks them to swim the oceans, with no questions asked they are immediately willing. Genuine love does not mind self- sacrifice. And to obey God and his Messias is the smallest sacrifice which one can give to their Creator and Lord
Now on the other hand, those who have a feigned love are quite different. Their expectations are such that they have come to believe that God and his Messias are there to serve them and not vice versa. So, when told that they have been led astray and that they are required to keep the commandments of God, many will immediately become recalcitrant. And in their recalcitrance, their statements and responses will scream: Why should we be expected to do something for God and Messias? After all, Christ did it all so that we do not have to. These will search far and wide and look in every nook and crevice for scriptures which appear to state that they are not under the laws and commandments of God. Those with a feigned love detest sacrifice. Obedience and sacrifice takes selflessness and true love. And to truly follow and obey God and his Messias requires sacrifice. This is seen by the many imposters as detestable and unconscionable. These who complain about obeying God are truly selfish. You will know them because their favorite complaint of "It is impossible to keep the commandments" is always ready and in tow.
This type of attitude is to be expected in the End. In Timothy it talks about the fallen state of man during the End. This state never changes. As the age draws closer to the Finish, it always becomes more evident and pronounced.
So question:
Why do you love yourself more than you love God?
Why do you love pleasure more that you love God?
Why do you enjoy watching Christ carry the cross alone?
Why do you feel that God serves you?
Why are you here just for the fishes and loves?
Why do you love a leavened Gospel?
Why do your ears itch?