Re: God.
Bawb wrote:These are all my thoughts. I hope you have an open mind.
I'll give it a whirl. Time I tried something new anyway...
Bawb wrote:All of the religions of this world, I believe, are linked with Astral Projection. I believe that say, a Christian, might accidently project and go into "Heaven". It would end up being exactly as he thought it would be, because it came from his mind. It is not truly heaven.
Well, I don't know that I can agree on that one. If a person has in mind what Heaven is and then they land there then that would in some sense (at least to them) indeed
be Heaven even if it was not the Heaven which you or I might have imagined.
Bawb wrote:All of these people that had "visions" in the Bible/Koran/other religious books & stories. I think they were just having AP's, not knowing it. They were only going into their own mind, and creating their own world. Of course, seeing as the experience is very real, and you are fully-conscious during it, they would think it was not a dream.
It's a distinct possibility...note, I said a
Bawb wrote:...when a Christian dies ( if he believes he is going to heaven ), his mind will create a "Heaven" for him, and he will truly believe he is there.
If a murderer dies, and believes in some kind of Hell, he might think he was going there and would create his own hell.
Interesting idea there. Now how about a murderer who believes they killed for what to them was a justifiable reason? Do they go to the Down Below or are they (because of their perception of why their actions took place) allowed to ascend into Heaven?
My mother used to quote the New Testament verse attributed to Jesus which said "In my father's house there are many mansions" (similarly, "In my father's house there are many rooms") from John 14. Now; according to this, (as per my understanding) all who believe in God and in the forgiveness and wisdom of point of fact anyone who believes that The Lord God is a loving and forgiving God... to those who believe in Him, will be shown a generous mercy and they will be allowed entry into The Kingdom of God.
It would also stand to reason to then, that, to some degree a person who believes in God; and yet however doubts the forgiving merciful nature of God, would not be allowed access to Heaven.
Bawb wrote:If some wierdo believes that when we die, we go into some alien dimension, then he would create what he thinks it would be like.
First off, what makes this person a weirdo, other than the idea that you apparently believe they are? Perhaps this person truly is from another dimension and will be returning there. Who am I to say?
As for me, I do not know exactly what will happen or where I shall go at the ending of my current Earthbound existence. I may return shortly as another person or as a bird or fish or cat or even a plant...
And what about Purgatory? What if my belief is that first I must make a stop-over there? What if I am of the belief that that is where I currently am? (which I actually do).
Anyway, those are my thoughts (at least for today, at this moment).