Wed 27 Sep, 2006 01:05 pm
A Frisco, Texas with 28 years experience was suspended when one child's parents complained that the child saw a nude statue while on a field trip to The Dallas Museum of Fine Arts.
I just knew that Michelangelo was a pervert when he sculpted "David."
If the Almighty had wanted us to see nudes, He wouldn't have invented clothes!
I'm a pervert, I have a copy of the Venus de Milo...
News like this leaves me flabbergasted.
I would say the lady has grounds for a law suit.
I am rather surprised in that my experience is that all students need permission slips signed by the parents to participate in field trips. If that were the case, then the parents who have complained really have no grounds for the complaint. If it were not the school's policy to require signed permission slips, then one would be justified in pointing out that the school's policies are faulty, and not the behavior of the teacher. In fact, i wonder if this were not a "set-up."
Generally, children here are younger when visiting an art museum for the first time.
No problem, since they saw their "first nude" already before in sexual education :wink:
It's Frisco, TX. They probably found out that the teacher knows how to read....
dyslexia wrote:I was nude, once.
Was it that time in Frisco, Dys, when they put tar and feathers on you?
Which museum were you in, Dys?
The Museum of Ine Farts . . .
Maybe the student actually saw dys nekked (that's no statue!!!).
In which case, I'm surprised they didn't hang the teacher....
I heard of this story the other day and couldn't believe what I was hearing! Parents must know that if they are signing a permission slip to go see art that art includes nudes. Maybe this particular parent has never been to an art museum or appreciates the beauty of true art.
On another note, I was in Italy with a friend and our daughters when they were 12. The girls were giggling and said, If I see one more naked statue.... They were good sports about it and their 5th grade teacher even allowed her to show a power point slide show on the trip announcing first to the class that they may see a naked statue or painting.
I think the teacher deserves some recognition and be compensated for losing her job.
so, if a parent took their kid to the museum where they saw a nekkid body, would social services step in and remove said kid?
Naw, I know he had a fine time in Frisco, and surely in a taxicab... firesigning.
Yes, the mind boggles. How could this be?
Never mind how the class thing happened, but how could the teacher be remonstrated about this? Am I suddenly living in a twisted purgatorio?
Probably so, from a Frisco perspective.