Hello, Roberta!
As you know, I'm a sucker for ANY story of Mikey's antics, but have always been very impressed with his amazing toy collection.

(Just curious: Has he received any new videos lately? Loved the tales of Mikey & the jungle creatures!)
My critters' favourites? I have come to the conclusion that maybe they are deprived in the toy area

.... They don't really show much interest in the stuffed mice, etc.
But when Mozz was younger (she's now close to 18) she had this great routine with a miniature Aussie Rules football! They are not round like soccer balls, but closer to a sort of an elongated oval shape & bounce unpredictably .... Well, Mozz became an expert in predicting the direction in which the ball would travel, once bounced, & even took amazing sky-borne marks at dizzy heights. God, she was good at it! Kept us amused for hours, watching her. These days she tends to be a bit of a bed bug. <sigh>