Mechanics of a Prevention
It is quite understandable how some could confuse a deliverance and a prevention. There is a resemblance between the mechanics of both, which is very deceptive. And because of this deceptive resemblance, One can be easily misled into replacing one with the other. With deliverance One can prevent and through prevention, One can be lead to deliverance. Therefore, previously in
Mechanics of a Delivery, we began an attempt to correct the misunderstandings which have arisen amongst Believers in regards to the role of the returning Messias. This confusion of roles, is at the root of the deception, which has lead many in the body to accept and embrace various dangerous and unrealistic assumptions. So, in order to combat the heresies which have arisen from this confusion, we started to examine the mechanics which govern a delivery or deliverance. And, during that time we learned that a delivery generally has three common threads:
First, in order for an act to be qualified as a delivery, there must be a change of position. This change may be of a physical, spiritual or mental nature. Secondly, in order to be delivered from a specified situation, an object must first be physically, or mentally occupied in or at that particular locality. Thirdly, the cause of a delivery or deliverance stems from two common laws of existence which deal with the change or changes that occur in or at an already existent position. The first law states: "The addition of any object or objects to the being of an entity immediately changes the existence of both." The second law states: "The subtraction of an existing object or objects from the being of an entity immediately alters the existence of both." Finally, we learned that a deliverance leads to a prevention.
Today, let us continue to correct these misunderstandings by examining the mechanics which control a prevention. Let us start by defining and rightly dividing "
prevention" and "
Definitions (Merriam Webster)
Prevention: (n) :
the act of preventing or hindering
Prevent: (vrb) transitive verb 1 archaic a :
to be in readiness for (
as an occasion) b :
to meet or satisfy in advance c :
to act ahead of d :
to go or arrive before 2 :
to deprive of power or hope of acting or succeeding 3 :
to keep from happening or existing *steps to prevent war* 4 :
to hold or keep back :
STOPto interpose an obstacle
One of the first things that Believers must understand is that the biggest difference which can be found in the mechanics of a deliverance and the mechanics of a prevention is seen in the location and time of their executions. First, the initial goal of a deliverance is movement or removal from an existent situation. Therefore, the execution of a deliverance must Start while an object is currently in a situation. And through the action of moving or removing an object from a location, or moving or removing a situation from an object, a deliverance aims to accomplish a second goal of preventing a manifestation or arrival of an additional problem. For example;
There is an object which Starts in a situation where there is a fire. Let us call this first position point A. From point A, the object may now be delivered to three points. First it may be delivered to a position which is away from the fire. Let us call that position point B. Secondly, it may stay in the fire and be delivered to a situation of death. Lets us call that position point C. Or, the object may be delivered by removing the fire. And due to the law of existence, the removal of the fire from point A, would change its existence; therefore turning it into a different location that is away from the fire. And since it has become a position which is away from the fire, that new position is now point AB. Now, even though there are different positions, we must understand that all of these points are at the same location. This is because, if One will recall from
Generations of Noah (Time and Grace) ,"The Start and Finish of all objects will occur and disappear in the same area."
So, the performance of a deliverance will Start after the object is in point A. The deliverer's action may move or remove the object from the situation in point A to the situation in point B or to point AB. And with those movements, it prevents the occurrence of the situation at point C. Or it's action may move the object from the situation in point A to the situation in point C to prevent the occurrence of the situation at point B or point AB.
Now, the opposite is true with a prevention. While the execution of a deliverance occurs or Starts after the existence of a situation, the performance of a prevention occurs or Starts before there is a materialisation. This is because, the main goal of a prevention is to stop a possible or probable situation from coming into existence. And through the action of stopping the emergence of that situation, the prevention stops or negates the possible future need for a movement or removal from another problem. For example;
There are two objects. There is one object which is starting in a location at a point A. The second object is starting in a location at a point B. The goal of the object at point A is to arrive at point B. But the goal of the object at point B is to prevent this arrival. In order to prevent this junction, the initial action of the individual at point B must Start while the object is still at point A or at any of the points before location B. This may be accomplished in three ways: First, the object at point B may interpose an obstacle in the regions between point A and point B. Secondly, he may try to remove the object while it is still at point A. And finally, he may try to remove the location at point B. So, unlike the execution of a deliverance which would Start after the object has reached point B, if there is to be a prevention, the performance of the object at point B must be initiated before that junction can occur.
Now, a prevention's existence is not limited to the space of time which occurs before the materialisation of a situation. During and after the occurrence of an event, it may also have being in a specified place. And just as a deliverance is able to lead One out of a situation to a prevention, a prevention is able to lead One out of a situation to deliverance. But, in order for this to happen, the execution of that prevention must still Start before an event has occurred. And with the Start of that performance, One may be prevented from death even though the situation may state otherwise. This is due to the fact that a prevention involves readiness or preparation. And that readiness and preparation is accomplished through the law of existence. Therefore, though One may not be able to prevent an impending disaster, by applying the law of existence, they can prevent or deprive that future situation of power and success. And through that prevention , they may be able to continue until a Deliverer arrives. For example;
Let us say that at a point A we have two objects. Both objects are attempting to go strait to a point B. Both objects have been informed that the trip from point A to B is a long and dangerous one. And in order to increase the chances of arriving at their destination, both should prepare for any contingencies which may occur along the way. Both objects are given a list of the possible situations which they may encounter. Object 1 receives the information and makes the necessary preparations. Object 2 receives the facts, but fails to make the necessary preparations. From point A, both Start the trip to point B. Along the way both objects encounter a trap or point A5. Unable to continue, both must now wait for deliverance from point B. As they wait, object 2 succumbs to the situation. But, due to preparation object 1 is able to deprive that situation of power and success. And this deprivation allows it to withstand until that deliverance arrives.
Finally, when interpreting a prevention and a deliverance, One must be very careful. Because both exhibit parallelism in form, function, or development, one may be easily mistaken for the other. The main difference may be spotted in their executions. While a deliverance must be executed when a situation exists, a prevention must start its performance prior to that problem. When performed correctly, one will compliment the other; a deliverance will complete a prevention, and a prevention will complete a deliverance. But if an individual mistakes one for the other, the consequence can be disastrous. In such a case, One will be awaiting a deliverance when they should have been preparing for a prevention.
Matthew 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Matthew 25:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Revelation 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Revelation 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days.