timber wrote-
Quote:Knowledge and understanding of reality is irrelevant to faith; the key property and sole function of faith is comfort, it is an imagined shield from the real unknown.
But aren't knowledge and understanding of reality direct products of faith?
Faith might be seen as institutionalised guesses and knowledge the continual refinement of those guesses into closer and closer congruence with reality but a reality only described by the language of the faith and the guesses and the congruence being, in the limit, unrealisable and that is a reality too.
If FUD led to incomplete knowledge (irrational and superstitious if you like) and then to more rational knowledge with faith bridging the gap then faith has an important role until complete knowledge is obtained and is a necessity to the growth of knowledge.
One might assume that for FUD (and faith) to disappear knowledge would have to be complete and that the capacity for the growth of knowledge towards completion will disappear once the mainsprings (FUD and faith) disappear. That would explain the intransigent, stubborn, self righteous pedanticism of the faithless because also disappearing would be FUD.
Perhaps the American movie industry, by linking FUD to weakness and its opposite to sexiness (John Wayne et al) for political reasons has resulted in a fear (who doesn't want to be sexy) of exhibiting signs of FUD and if this fear over-rides the natural fear of the unknown it could be classed as "perverted" unless there is no unknown or there is no fear of it. The priest persuades Cagney to go to the chair as a coward doesn't he? Cagney was intending doing a Gary Gilmore who was on a suicide mission. Cagney was of course acting but the scriptwriter was real enough.
Thus fear of exhibiting fear, uncertainty and doubt would have a perverted tone and possibly suicidal tendencies which may well be repressed into the subconscious by exhibitions of fearlessness, certainty and the faith that knowledge can become complete and, as evidence to the contrary is all around, this would cause exaggerated denial mechanisms which would render the victim anti-social in settings where people have the normal and evolved quantities of FUD. Such people would then obviously congregate together for comfort and even develop their own language and networks and seek to get everybody down into the hole they are in where those established in the hole can boss them around.
The statement-
Quote:Knowledge and understanding of reality is irrelevant to faith; the key property and sole function of faith is comfort, it is an imagined shield from the real unknown.
might be valid if "faith" is replaced by "faithlessness". In which case the fear might be a fear of not being in control, bossing people and animals and things, or a fear of admitting that fear of the unknown is quite natural and we have evolved with it intact and thus that the absence of this fear is perverted.
Just so, faith comforts those with a fear of the unknown and faithlessness comforts those with a fear of loss of control or admitting they are anti-social or both. To not seek comfort is the essence of the ascetic and can result if taken seriously in self-punishment such as bread and water diets, hair shirts and cold beds and other more advanced techniques which some sophisticated city ladies have found it profitable and easy to provide the conditions for. Both are an imagined shield from the real unknown, which is the Self. "Know thyself", the man said.
Quote:Reality is an absolute, subject to no qualifier, independent of perception; reality incontravertably simply IS.
Reality, from a human perspective, has no existence without the language, and the concepts derived from language, to describe it. From a non-human perspective what would it matter?