My Very Educated Mother Just Served Ugly Ninjas
You mean the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
I do wish you folks would stop joking about this very serious matter. Do you realize how upsetting this is to me and my family of mutants? We Plutonians are a proud race, you know, and were honored to take our place in the community of planets.
Sorry Merry, you know us folks and our Big-Planet syndrome, ignoring our invisible mutant friends who are in dire need of heaters...
PS If you're running a petition, sign me in. Everyone loves the underdog. :wink:
PSS Since it's still a dwarf planet, I'm afraid you will have to ignore my last two sentences. Peace.
You are all so missing the point!!
Listen to
these wise words of what's really behind this:
Quote:News Discussion: Save the planet! (Pluto, that is)
TalkBack 2 of 4:
The Elite hide pluto from the future for it proficy
We are now approaching the half-way point in the Maya "Age of Revealing" which began in 1999. December 21 1999 began the final 13 year countdown to the zero-year of 2012. The half-way point is 2007, so we can expect some major changes on all levels of our being during and after that time. Pluto, the planet-archetype of radical change, cleansing and deconstruction will conjunct with Galactic Center in November of this year. It is very strange that they do all this on the eve that pluto come into lunar cycle
Pluto (re)creates (it also governs the reproductive system), it loves to destroy just as much. This Planet rules destruction, death, obsession, kidnapping, coercion, viruses and waste. That's certainly not pretty. Pluto also governs crime and the underworld, along with many forms of subversive activity (terrorism, dictatorships). This Planet is about all that is secret and undercover, that which is hidden from view. Is this the story of good versus evil? Yes.
The elite of the world and the new world order know this is the coming of the new age of the bible and want to hide it from the future to discredit myan prophecy.
more info here
Posted by: urza2k4
Posted on: 09/02/06
Ray wrote:PS If you're running a petition, sign me in. Everyone loves the underdog. :wink:
Here you are
Quote:Pluto Fightback by the Common People
As the scientists are fighting against IAU's decision, the common people are opposing the decision with their own petition with 450 over signatures at
Posted by: pleasesavepluto
Posted on: 09/01/06
(Do click that link, actually.. some
of the signatures/comments are really funny..
Well, if those dirty Plutonians want to start something this November (that includes you Merry Andrew!), that's fine by me. I've already written the President, told him there're WMDs on Pluto. And you know what that means. Time for the Army Reserves to get fitted for space suits.
There are no WMDs on Pluto!!!
Dammit, I'm getting sick and tired of all these nasty rumors![?] have no wmds. We are a peace-loving race and the nuclear reactors we've scattered all over the surface of our planet -- yes, I still consider our home a planet! -- serve no more sinister a purpose than producing energy for peaceful purposes. Do you have any idea how cold it gets on Pluto? We need all the nuclear energy we can get.
Re: Go To Hell, Pluto
Gargamel wrote:Okay, so what have I been saying for years?
But, but ...: stripped of planet status, Pluto saves face!
Well whoop-de-do. Pluto gets an Honorable Mention so it doesn't go home crying to its mom.
I say Plutards is a better name for the other dwarf planets.
So, like, if Pluto successfully invades the Earth, and dominates all the other planets of this star system, would that form of government be known as Plutocracy?
Yeah, but we are already governed by the Plutocrass..
Pluto rocks... oops I meant disney's.
I have a plutonic relationship with the dwarf planets.
You know, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy ...
what's in it for me? who do i support? somebody tell me.
dagmaraka wrote:what's in it for me? who do i support? somebody tell me.
Pluto, you're on the side of Pluto. For someone from your part of the world it never hurts to have a safe home away from home.
What about Uranus dag?
You could support that. At a pinch.
spendius wrote:What about Uranus dag?
You could support that. At a pinch.
Is this the envy of one doomed to a mere cloaca?
I never rule anything in or rule anything out.