xingu wrote:real wrote:Maybe this is just too obvious, but then why do areas with high population density such as large cities in Europe and America enjoy much greater prosperity, longevity, are not breeding grounds for suicide bombers, etc .....
...............while countries that have lesser population density are stuck in social and economic systems and practices that produce far less general prosperity and are known for their terrorist output?
Do you have any idea what your talking about here. Your first sentence speaks about the high population density of cities. The second sentence is about countries. My map demonstrates to you that the population density of a country has nothing to do with their prosperity or producing terrorist.
If you look at cities in America and Europe you will find a higher concentration of crimes there than one would find in the country. Ever hear of
street gangs, high murder rate, etc? You find that in the cities. Many residents believe street gangs are terrorist.
If a city is prosperous the reason may have to do with the country the city is in. But prosperous cities do not make for crime free cities. There are many cities in Europe and America that have a high crime rate.
Poverty, oppression and invasion/occupation have a lot more to do with making terrorist and insurgents than the population density of a city or country.
hi xingu,
Ordinary street crime and the modern suicide bomber/terrorist are completely different topics.
The OP was talking about radical religious terrorists, not gangbangers.
Have you run the figures for the population density of Pakistan vs the five largest cities in America, for instance?
My point was that population density and terrorism have little if any correlation.
Modern terrorists are overwhelmingly radical Muslims, that's why they are terrorists, not because they are poor. Some of them are quite well off and highly educated, at least compared with their countrymen.
Osama bin Laden is neither poor, nor oppressed, nor was his country under invasion when he planned 9/11.
You are raising issues that have little substance.
Terrorism is primarily (but not exclusively) a Muslim phenomenon; it's a declaration of war against the West. Not because we're rich, but because we're not Muslim.
Have you seen the recent pictures of Muslim demonstrations in Europe?
Muslims in European cities, enjoying probably much more prosperity and political freedom that their counterparts in Middle Eastern countries carrying messages on the placards such as "Behead those who insult Islam" and "Europe is the Cancer, Islam is the Answer", and "Freedom Go to Hell" and "Europe You will Pay, Your 9/11 in on the Way" and "Be Prepared for the
real Holocaust" and "Butcher those who Mock Islam"
We're not talking pimps, dope dealers and hub cap thieves here, xing.