Very interesting. How will re-instilling spirituality help in dealing with multi-nations raping countries or dictators who are ridiculously corrupt? Can't some other form of grass-roots/collective initiative be of use? Haven't some been tried already?
What spirituality do you speak of? I once thought that the youth of america were susceptable to drug use, early sexual encounters and lack of a cohesive drive because of a series of events, but the one main thing I felt was responsible was a lack of rites of passages. At the time I had come out of college with an anthropology major, I'd never been religious, and I was floundering (I floundered for decades). I still feel like modern society has lost it's rites of passages, but I think things are much more complex than the way I saw them back in the early 90s.
Anyway, here is an interesting and timely article at the BBC: