believe it or not i have never traveled anywhere and had no desire to until i seen Utah I really hope i see it someday. I have always lived here in Arkansas. I have an answer for 87 not sure on it either
I just sent you an email-hope you got it, if it doesn't help, I'll give you more
64- cheeck out the oregon trail
Good grief have mercy how do you navigate this thing i am very stupid on the computer everytime i post i have to close and go to my shortcut get back on and then the stupid page is stuck on 23 and I have to go back to the end.. Helllp
if you never travel anywhere else in your life, make sure you at some point see at least some of the West, and be prepared to take a lot of pictures. I have had a lump in my throat since the day I left AZ 3 years ago. I plan on moving back one day; I'm here because my parents are here and they are getting older. Felt I should be closer for awhile.
after you submit do you not get a "return to topic box"?
i'm no good at these forum type things either; usually don't use them, but this is an exception
I will be back shortly i hop i want to check this clue out and i thank you and I will help you in a sec let me know what i can give you although like I said the last few only has some that i am sure about . Be back in a while
i just noticed your post- thank you; the oregon trail is what i was leaning on, but there was a "veil of uncertainty" that I wasn't comfortable with. I'll research it again
morgansmooma i left you an email I must have completely missed that
Ive got to roll out until tonight I have to get ready to go to kids bgame see you guys later Its my 9 year olds very first ballgame..
aww how sweet. hope they win!!!! or at least have fun trying. i thought i gave a hint for 64. let me know is u still need it and i can try again. i still need 40+44. not sure on the usual 12, 43, 61, 71. 74 still has me digging (13, 15 or 18?) btw im in ohio. it was 39 degrees when i woke up this morning bbbrrr.
well time to go mow. ttyl
i am still hung up on 12, 15, 40, 43, 44, 61, and 71. this is all makin me nutz lol
i only need 40, 43, 44- funny how they are so close together on the list
not convinced about #12? I might be able to help you with 61
I still need help with the following
32, 39, 40, 43, 44, 66, 70, 75
Please email me if you think you could help
[email protected]
Thanks Karen
Questions left to anwer
I have alot left to answer. My gosh. LOL Any help at all on them?
I was just wondering if anyone has though of Western Union for #40? I have read some information on Wikipedia and thought maybe it could work. Any ideas?
mama for 61 i looked into craters of the moon, the cave trail and hole in the ground volcano. just cant pin it to anyone tho
Why do you all insist on giving out the answers that you are working hard to get????
If you think anyone is going to share their "winnings" with you, you're wrong.