smorgs wrote:
Yes, let it...
Always makes me snicker when Americans go on about liberty, like they own the word.
Isn't liberty just another word for state sanctioned murder, torture, prisoners held without trial (a basic liberty) and a government that allows it's own people to carry guns?.
( im writting in humor and sarcasim here.. )
In america, liberty means that we are not given the full truth, instead we are free to read through the touched up lies that are considered news stories and free to vote from there who should be in office. Are we are free to ignore them after words
We are free to run around our homes, while the government watches everything we do with out us knowing. Even cameras on highways watch us. But we are free to ignore that too.
We are free to buy what ever food product we want, as there is an over abundance of genetically altered, low vitamin and nutrient content, pesticide ridden veggies , meats and breads.. We are free to learn about what those pesticides do to our bodies, and draw the conclusion that it is what is giving our country so many diseases and over weight people..
BUT we are free to ignore that too..
im feelin pissy this mornin , can ya tell?