How about wars to thin out the herds? Disease?
Oh wait. Mo'Nature is already taking care of that.
People will die, we're in a period where there are too many humans doing too many short-sighted things, and yet somehow I feel confident that the earth will take care of it.
Really - if we wipe ourselves out, is that such a bad thing? It's bound to happen at some point anyways. Maybe some will continue on, in a new way, or we'll mutate or evolve. Who knows?
We proved we can thrive as a species, glutted ourselves on the earth, got rich and fat on it, had a tonne of kids, and now we have to deal with the reality that we aren't gods. Time to pay, and we don't have the cash.

So we'll have to pay with our bodies.
Personally, I don't think power measures over fellow human beings will solve anything. Not even short term. That's an old solution for a new problem - I think, we need to think differently if we want to see real change.
Population is a massive problem for our species: IMO, mostly bc we are stupid oftentimes, we're constantly learning and testing, and in general have lost respect for 'nature'. Probably just another lesson our species needs to learn the hard way.
[/I]This is a gross simplication of my views. Yes, I realize they are somewhat doom-ish, but it makes sense to me. Point: we need to be fresh and soon, population is no laughing simple 'problem'.
Hey. We had a good run. :wink: "I welcome our new Ant Leaders."-the simpsons