Sun 6 Aug, 2006 01:34 pm
I just want to clarify something here. It seems a bit odd to me that right after I posted what I did in the smoking thread there suddenly was this huge rampage of "Being a Christian and..." threads. Whether or not that had anything to do with it I'm not totally certain. However I do feel the need to apologize and clarify a bit just in case there was some offence taken in some of the things I said. I hope that no one thinks that I'm walking around actually believing that everyone has all these deep dark hidden things in their life that are causing them to act a certain way. Even looking for those "problems". That is not for me to decide or even consider.
The things I said were because having been a person as such, I have suffered much judgement without consideration on many things. It's hurt. I've seen it done to others and have seen it hurt them as well. So I decided at some point that I didn't want to be like that. I didn't want to do those things, or hurt people like that. And for once I wanted people to understand why and how that happens, and how it effects the other people involved. I hope that what I posted did not offend anyone. That certainly was not my intention. We are, after all, just people trying to find our way through this life. Not every reaction a person has is based out of some deep hidden hurt in their life. I know this. I don't even try to guess if it is or isn't because it's not my place to do so. I just try to give people the same consideration I would like to get from them. Thats all. But I do apologize if the things I said offended anyone.
Hep - Nothing to do with what you said, Hon. Bear saw the Being a Chiristian and Drinking thread and then the Being a Christian and Smoking thread and well... Kinda went on a silly trip. Then one or two others joined in.
It was the "Being a Christian and..." not you.
Thanks squinney.
I figured better safe than sorry...
Yup. Just folks having some fun and being silly. We all need that sometimes.