Two thumbs up, Mrs. Noddy! :wink:
Noddy24 wrote:To all--
Many thanks. I'm a bit frayed by all the excitement and the need to dispell the In Case of the Worst accumulation of adrenaline that is no longer needed.
Your good wishes mean a great deal. I'm proud to have A2K members as a support group.
Dominion holding.
What a relief! All those positive thoughts must have worked. So glad you're home and on the mend.
Hooray and mazel tov for Noddy. So glad to hear your tests showed normal
Huuuuuuuuuge exhale.
Just got in from our drive back from vacation at the hamburger's. Sent some good wishes across the lake when I realized we were picking up a Rochester radio station on the car radio - it had to mean the vibe energy was good.
Glad to see omacneil and Noddy here when I checked in here.
I'm going to wear in my Noddy walking boots in preparation for the next NYC adventure.
Well, as others have said, great news!
Now then, does your daughter know what you've been saying about her on these boards? Hmmmm?
OMacNeil is my son and well-accustomed to his mother's little quirks and loose lips.
Good for Noddy!!!!
Hot damn!!!
I was worrying today, not being able to check in, if you were ok Noddy.
I am truly glad to hear that it is just scar tissue.
( big BIG hug )
yeah late i know but fab noddy! i'm glad all is good
Yes!! We can all breathe again...especially you, Noddy.
So happy for you!!
Truly amazing how worried one can get over someone never met in person.
Big happy hugs.
Wonderful news, Noddy!
Take it easy and let us know if you need anything.
Great. Best news I've heard in a while.
Whew! The good news brought a BIG smile to my face.
JB, JoeFromChicago, CowDoc (+ wife and friends) and myself raised a glass to you tonight before dinner Noddy. Good to hear that everything is going to be OK.
Fantastic news, Noddy. So glad to hear everything is a-ok. Take care of yourself while mending.
Re: Everything ok
omacneil wrote:We just got back from the hospital.
The 5 slides made from the biopsy showed no signs of cancer.
It isn't clear why the scar tissue/condensed fat appeared now, after some years, but apparently that is all that was there.
While general anesthesia and having a lump of tissue removed is no fun, my mom should be able to resume normal activities in a couple days.
Oh phew, phew & phew! Wonderful news! Thank you!
Many, many thanks to all.
Does euphoria make adrenal glands work overtime? I've been on an adrenalin rush for more than 24 hours and am just beginning to be sensibly tired--partly because my son helped me with a bit of practical and symbolic gardening geared to the flowers that will bloom in the spring.
Yesterday morning I managed another Character Building Experience when I started coming to in the recovery room. Obviously I wanted to know the results of the biopsy and whether or not a mastectomy had been necessary. Nurses were hovering, but I was trapped in my head, paralyzed, unable to articulate basic questions or to check myself for surgical incisions.
When I regained powers of speech, I croaked "Biopsy?" even before "Water, please." First good news, then water.
As soon as we got home--and he'd poured me a glass of herbal tea--my son headed for the computer to notify all interested parties, on and off A2K. He's been an angel lamb, right down the sharing the futon with dear little Iffykins, a pit bull, who sleeps as soundly as a forty-pound cinder block in the middle of the bed.
Again, thank you all. You are a most effective support group.