Quote:pulls up chair, sits quietly with OMacNeil, waits
so moving...
can't post on other threads 'till I hear news
I'm here, too. Sitting and hoping.
I'll have to go to bed soon. I wish I knew how things have gone for Noddy.
Checking in to let you know I too am waiting, hoping for the best.
Here is hoping that everything will turn out to be a-okay !
Just adding my thoughts to the already huge circle of love..
Checking in. (I am also concerned for Noddy.)
We may need a larger waiting room.
Meanwhile, I brought enough quarters that we can all get a Coke from the vending machine in the hallway. Here.
Tap, tap, tap......
(sure is hard to type with everything crossed like this)
Hoping it'll all work out....
Still no news?
<tap tap tap>
Everything ok
We just got back from the hospital.
The 5 slides made from the biopsy showed no signs of cancer.
It isn't clear why the scar tissue/condensed fat appeared now, after some years, but apparently that is all that was there.
While general anesthesia and having a lump of tissue removed is no fun, my mom should be able to resume normal activities in a couple days.
Fabulous, thank you for the speedy report!
great news!!
thanx for letting us know...
<my best rebel yell>
Thanks, Noddy's son!!!!!
Oh wow, that is so fantastic!!!!
Thanks so much for the update, and for being there for your wonderful mom, omacneil.
Break out the champage! She will be with us for years to come! Woohoo!