I ran into that problem earlier.
I got her to drink , and sure enough, it gurgled.
Scared the jezuz out of her.. Me too sort of
So I put my hand in the water and kept touching it while it was doing that.
She went back to it, but a bit nervous
I am home right now between my 2 jobs to keep doing the food/water thing and , she is a bit timid still.. but more willing to approach the bowl then earlier today.
So maybe this is helping.
I think, when we move, I will give her 2 months.
In that 2 months she will go to a doggie day care at least 2 times a week.
IF I CAN afford it, I will put her in more, but 2 times a week at 16 a visit is truthfully about all I can do .
If she doesnt seem better by then, I will find a new home for her.
I cant keep her if I cant care for her .