I am learning that Buttercup is very timid, and I believe she was beaten as punishment..
I do not believe in hitting animals and this has proven to make correction difficult because anytime I stand close to her when she has done something wrong, she crawls away just as fearful as she can be.
She is scared of 'changes' ( wich is understandable.. she just changed homes from my cousin to me.. ) if we move a piece of furniture, she is scared of it and will go out of her way to go around the change.
She is scared of tall things.
No matter what it is, if it is taller then she is and not something she is used to, she wont go near it.
I got her a new water bowl, one of those Ozarka style bottles that fill a small cup on the bottom.
Constant water for her!
She is scared of it.
So scared of it, she has not eaten, or drank any water for almost 2 days.
I threw away the other bowl so I cant 'go back to the old one.
She wont even do it if I stand near her.
She took one bite, and a lick of water while i was standing there.. but other then that nothing.
I know hunger and thirst will get the better of her and she will go eat and drink..
but I feel bad waiting for natural feelings like that to get out of control for her before she eats..
Can I do anything ?
Or should I just let natural hunger and thirst take their course?
I have thought about making her eat and drink when I am there.. but the problem with that is that I work most of the day and I wont be around to accompany her to her bowls. and I have a feeling she will fall into that routine easily.