The use of the name “Palestine” to attempt to negate Israel as the name for the land is misleading, since there has never been an indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel.
The name “Palestine” was an attempted rename of the land of Israel / Judah imposed by the Romans, a name later resurrected for the British Mandate. Both Roman and British rule, were rule by foreign imperial power. The only valid-name for the land belongs to the Jewish-indigenous sovereign states before the Re-establishment of Israel in 1948, which are “Israel” or “Judah”.
Quote:“[...] After Roman times the name [“Palestine”] had no official status until after [...] the end of rule by the Ottoman Empire, when it was adopted for one of the regions mandated to Great Britain [...]”.
Extract source:
The Jewish people are indigenous to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence there from Biblical times:
Israel re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland: The last indigenous sovereign state (that is, run by the natives rather than a foreign power) in what is now Israel (on which the name “Palestine” was imposed by Roman-occupiers), prior to the RE-establishment of Israel in 1948, was the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom - Map: Including: West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights, capital of (what is now EAST) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:
The reader can view coins from the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom, here:
That Jewish independence came to an end because of a Roman invasion and many, but not all, Jews were expelled to many places including Europe.
While both sides make claims on the land of Israel, the Jewish claim can be verified from abundant objective-evidence, whereas the “Palestinian” Arab false-claim cannot be verified.
Who then are the "Palestinians"?:
The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” because they do not want you to understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles:
Quote:“[...] most Arabs in British Mandate Palestine were migrant workers and descendants of the 1832-1947 wave of Arab/Muslim immigration from Egypt, the Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, North Africa, Bosnia, India, Afghanistan, etc. While the British Mandate encouraged Arab immigration, it blocked Jewish immigration.”
Extract source: