Tue 1 Aug, 2006 07:26 pm
Some one asked me about taoism, so i went to read a few things up on it and came out more perplexed than ever....all i got was a few big words with no real answere. so does anyone have any?
I'm assuming that you've read the Tao Teh-Ching and have trouble understanding parts of it. Give us a bit that puzzles you, and we'll see if we can help clear things up. Maybe not.
You might also want to read some of the other Taoist philosophers. Try Mencius and Chuang-Tzu. Taoism is one of the two native Chinese "religions" and it provides an important counter-balance to the social-conscious foundations of Confucism. Where one deals with the practical problems and relationships in family and society, the other is mystical and intuitive. One touches the emotional core of superstition and myth, while the other teaches us how to give value to our lives in everyday life.
Ok, i know a decent amount of confucism. It seams to teach a social edicate between, the young and the old, the goverment and the ppl....
so when you say "mystical and intuitive" does that mean like edicate to the gods? As in ritual ceromonies?