Mon 31 Jul, 2006 10:48 am
If a so-called "god" showed up at my doorstep doing fancy tricks to prove his powers I would say:
"Give me that level of technology and I could do the same, further man has already progressed to the point of being able to do lots of fancy tricks, in 10,000 years - just the blink of an eye really - man may well have powers rivaling yours"
"On the other hand if you would like to show me how you do some of the fancier stuff, I am sure I could profit from it!"
I hurriedly read the title as "Gus showed up at my doorstep"
Now THAT would be frightening.
So the 'miracles' of the bible can be explained simply as technological tricks?
Pretty smart, eh?
Assuming the bible contains factual, historically accurate events some might call "miracles" (of which I note you have yet to prove in any sense), tell me Neo:
What would stop those events from having a technological basis?
What would stop man from doing the same?
Are you aware that man can fly?
Are you aware that man can destroy the world?
Are you aware that man can already perform a number of the so-called "miracles" of the bible (and man is just getting started)?
Take heed, heathens, that what you do will incur the wrath of Gus.
Re: God showed up at my doorstep
Chumly wrote:If a so-called "god" showed up at my doorstep doing fancy tricks to prove his powers I would say:
"Give me that level of technology and I could do the same, further man has already progressed to the point of being able to do lots of fancy tricks, in 10,000 years - just the blink of an eye really - man may well have powers rivaling yours"
"On the other hand if you would like to show me how you do some of the fancier stuff, I am sure I could profit from it!"
As not what God can do for you.... Ask what you can do for God.
I imagine when you reply to my somewhat offbeat threads, you might chuckle from time to time. Too bad those subtleties are lost.
Re: God showed up at my doorstep
Intrepid wrote:As not what God can do for you.... Ask what you can do for God.
That cracks me up!
I further ask:
Given that man's technology has already shown it can perform "miracles" (at least by Christian biblical standards) and given that god has not even shown itself to be in existence, let alone willing and able to perform "miracles" I must ask which is the more plausible explanation:
a) God creates miracles?
b) If there even can be a classification of events labeled as miracles, the basis for said miracles is technological; either man's or otherwise?
I further ask:
If it is more plausible that miracles are of a technological nature, rather than a divine nature, does that not bias the agnostic position towards atheism, and away from religiosity?
For example, I assume our friend Frank has flown on an airplane, is aware of the potential for nuclear holocaust, and understands that teleportation technology already works (in some form).
Re: God showed up at my doorstep
Chumly wrote:If a so-called "god" showed up at my doorstep doing fancy tricks to prove his powers I would say:
"Give me that level of technology and I could do the same, further man has already progressed to the point of being able to do lots of fancy tricks, in 10,000 years - just the blink of an eye really - man may well have powers rivaling yours"
"On the other hand if you would like to show me how you do some of the fancier stuff, I am sure I could profit from it!"
Of course that's only if the bible isn't true chumly. However, if it is true... well... you'd be dead meat...
I don't suppose god (of the Christian bible) would be too impressed if I wanted to profit from some of his cool techno goodies! OTOH god would already know I was gong to ask him for techno goodies to profit from, so he would not have the opportunity to be unimpressed and it therefore must be part of god's plan that I would ask for these cool techno goodies to profit from!
I guess then it would give god the opportunty to smote me with some high-tech smoter-izmo-gizmo.....
But then knowing that he was going to zap me, would not god in his infinite love show mercy and let me profit?
LOL Chumly... no offence... but you're a dork.... OMG
I mean what harm could it do to be able to have better control of the weather for example, I could profit nicely and we could avoid global warming! I like your new avatar.
Well, let's roll with this one chumly...
Quote:I don't suppose god (of the Christian bible) would be too impressed if I wanted to profit from some of his cool techno goodies! OTOH god would already know I was gong to ask him for techno goodies to profit from, so he would not have the opportunity to be unimpressed and it therefore must be part of god's plan that I would ask for these cool techno goodies to profit from!
I guess then it would give god the opportunty to smote me with some high-tech smoter-izmo-gizmo.....
But then knowing that he was going to zap me, would not god in his infinite love show mercy and let me profit?
First let me complement you on your ability to twist things around. You did an excellent job here showing exactly what a lot of "christians" do. Bravo! However if you want to talk about infinite love well... Just because He knew you were going to ask for those things does not guarantee it was His will for you or even that He would give them to you. His mercy would actually be shown in NOT giving them to you because you... in your infinite dorkiness would probably destroy His creation... LOL
Hey... Chumly... you know I'm not trying to insult you here right? Just having a little fun with ya... I hope so...
Yup I know, I think these kinds of threads are the best, & your humor is appreciated! Yeah I guess I would like to see what would happen if Northern Canada was like the Bahamas!