Thank you all for the very thoughtful replies. All are welcome.
And I think, all are factors that can affect each individual in their own unique way.
I'm coming to realize that there truly are many factors in depression. Different ingredients for different people, and that may be why it is so difficult to treat sometimes.
Each individual needs to find what works for them, and how to prevent further bouts.
I personally have struggled with depression on and off since I was a teen.
I've been experiencing a bad bout and got rather desperate. Which is good, because it finally pushed me to try different things full out.
I feel like I am fianally, finally practicing something that is working for me. I am hopeful about it bc it is working.
The basic thrust of it learning about oneself, ones motivations and expectations, behaviors and coping mechanisms.
Everything is called into question and it calls for an experimental attitude.
You have try to act differently, think differently, uproot old habits.
Been described to me as 'looking at oneself as though you were a scientist observing yourself'.
The 'observer' inside.
Trascending depression - that is the key.
It's not easy work. Hell no. I am finding it worthwhile so far though. We will see.
It's cool to learn how much power I, as an individual, have over my own life. All of it.
As astounding as it may seem, it's a revolutionary concept.
Intellectually knowing it and living it are two completely different things.
Thanks again for the replies. Feel free to add.