Generations of Noah (Grace on Stage)
During our time in
Generations of Noah (Grace and Probation) Definitions (Merriam Webster)
Grace: (n) 2 e :
a temporary exemption :
Since Grace is equipped with a time limit, then it must also have the five stages which are present in all those things which have limits in time.
First, there is the Beginning Stage or Stage of Conception. It is important that we remember that the Beginning or Conception of anything in this physical universe does not occur once it is seen. As we have mentioned previously in
Deterioration, a beginning begins in the mind. What One sees in the physical universe is the manifestation of those things which have been living in the mind. This means that One's birth as a baby is not their beginning, rather it is the result of a stage which is in occurrence long before that final manifestation. This is the reason why the Holy Scripture tells Believers that they must be born again. The New Birth begins in the mind. Once the mind is re-born, in time physical changes will follow as validation. The same is true with repentance. Repentance begins in One's mind. Once the mind is repentant, then it will be followed by physical signs to validate that change. Without that physical change then there was not re-birth or repentance. Therefore, Grace begins even before One is seen.
Secondly, there is the Start Stage. This is the stage where objects come into being to start their course in the physical universe. This is the stage where all things become physically apparent or visible. This means that during this stage all things may be seen with an instrument or with the human eye. We must remember that this does not mean that the thing in observance did not have existence before it is seen. Seeing is not the beginning of existence.
Thirdly, there is the Middle Stage or The Stage of Accountability. This is a very important stage; for in this area lies the occurrence of Discovery. This is where One finds the three life saving details which are discussed in
Generations of Noah (Found Grace) The times that this discovery occurs will vary from person to person. It generally occurs while One is in an advanced age and rarely occurs while One is still a child. This stems from two reasons. First, it is very rare to find a young child who is truly aware of the existence of a Higher Power. Because to be fully aware of God, One must first have experience. And through that experience One becomes conscience of the presence of the four elements of historical, spiritual, scientific, and personal evidence which point to him. Most adults are still unable to grasp who God is. They themselves are unawares, and therefore incapable of correctly collecting, studying, analyzing, and understanding this evidence. How much less a child? Hence, without experience and these pieces of evidence, most children are unable to truly grasp who God is. The only thing that they are able to do is to accept what someone tells them as truth. Without their own examinations, observations, and experiences, they are incapable of verifying those statements for themselves.
The second reason why Discovery occurs later in life is because most children are not fully aware of right and wrong, nor are they fully aware of cause and effect. One cannot realize the need for repentance and reformation if they are not fully aware of the consequences of their actions and inactions. This type of awareness can only come through constant teaching and experience. By the time a person finishes the Stage of Accountability, they will have had enough teaching and experience to make sound conscience decisions. Through the judging of their own actions and inactions, they can decide whether repentance and reformation is in order. Or they can also choose to make the decision that they will not repent and reform, but will remain on the current course which they are on.
Because of ability, time, and circumstances, Discovery varies between persons. Each person is born with dissimilar ability and during different periods in different circumstances. One cannot expect a person who is without the instruction of right and wrong to discover that they need repentance at the same time as One who has witnessed all of its consequences and teachings. This also applies to the Scriptures. One cannot expect a person who is without the teachings of the Scriptures to become aware of God at the same time as One who has been instructed. The same is true with ability. A person who may be mentally slow, cannot be expected to discover at the same time as One who is mentally whole. This is why the Holy Bible states, "
For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required
" (
Luke 12:47-48).
The fourth part of Grace is known as the End Stage. This is the area where the allotted time for repentance and reformation is quickly dwindling. One must act quickly if they are to have a chance to avoid certain death and destruction. During this stage the evidence of the need for repentance and reformation becomes flagrantly obvious. This is the reason why God approaches Noah during this time (
Gen. 6:13). For during this moment, God is able to fully present his case that destruction is warranted. And Noah with his own eyes is able to see the mounting evidence which God has placed before him. Since time is still available in this stage, there is still a chance for action and change. One can still awaken from that slumber and become aware of their situation before it is to late.
Now, there is a common misconception that the End Stage is final and instantaneous. This is not true. Just as with the other three stages, the End Stage requires time. This is why there is still a chance for repentance and reformation. What is generally considered to be the End Stage is actually the Last stage.
The fifth part of Grace is known as the Ultimate, Last, Final or Finish Stage. This stage completes or finishes the Judgement. There is no more time or Grace for repentance and reformation in this area. Because of its finality and the impact, this is the stage which everyone will see and remember.
Finally, these five stages of Grace are the phases through which all things which have a limit in time must pass through. In four of these five stages there is a presence of time. And depending on the object and circumstances, the times of these stages will vary. God gives all people adequate time to repent and reform. Therefore, none can have an excuse when that fifth and final stage comes upon them. If One will apprehend, they will notice a certain repeating occurrence which appears in each of these first four phases. Present in each of these phases there is also all five stages. And in each of those four phases, there will also be five more stages.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.