Cyracuz wrote:... to resort to cravings and the impulsive animal part of our mind without ever seeking to end confusion and uncertainty, this is more the behavious of an animal.
The way I see it, and of course it is a matter of each person's perspective, humanity may simply be a well developed extension of the social behavior we see in many animal species. It is hard wired into our brain and is part of the human passion.
We are animals after all and this, in itself, is not a bad thing. But our brain is one of the most advanced organic processors in the animal kingdom (except maybe for dolphins and whales). As we grow and mature, we begin to stuff it with countless bits of information. With such a growing database of information, the brain maintains its efficiency by putting this information into an
associative hierarchy.
The manifestation of this associative database gives rise to something we cannot avoid else we go completely insane. It is
discrimination. In other words, the brain needs a way to put sensory input into some kind of logical structure fast...very fast. Unfortunately, the mental process of discrimination is both a blessing and a curse. We should always be aware of this since it does invariably affects our social behavior; our humanity as it were.