Generations of Noah (Grace and Probation)
Genesis 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
In this present day, there are two significant details about God's Grace, which many have generally overlooked. In
Generations of Noah (Found Grace)grace.'
Definitions (Merriam Webster)
Grace: (n) 2e :
a temporary exemption :
REPRIEVEreprieve,' so that we may gain a clearer understanding of the text.
Reprieve: (n) 1 a :
the act of reprieving :
the state of being reprieved b :
a formal temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence especially of death 2 :
an order or warrant for a reprieve3 :
a temporary respite (
as from pain or trouble)
After a careful examination of the definitions, One will notice the second part of Grace which those who will perish in the flood are not mindful of. From the definitions, One should see that as a temporary exemption and a reprieve, Grace involves Time and Judgement. And not just any Time and Judgement, but specifically, a prescribed limit in time and the Sentence of death.
This new information should immediately relay two messages to the Believer. First, One should become aware of the fact that God can not and does not sit idle and permit man to increase indefinitely in sin and corruption. And since he will not allow unchecked depravation and wickedness to continue, he has instituted a time limit in which man is allowed to repent and reform. If you will remember, in
TOTL (Notice and Notification) we first uncovered a similar fact. During that time, we discovered that God has set a prescribed limit for man's sins and violations. And once this limit is reached, he requires that man repent and reform.
An illustration of this increase in sin is given in the story of Noah. If One will notice from (
Gen. 6:1-5), they will see that as time passes, the increase of man's violations coincides with the multiplication of his progeny. In
Generations of Noah (Status)Gen. 6:3Gen. 3: 16-19).With the announcement of that time limit (
Gen 6:3strive.'
Strive: (intrns vrb) 1 :
to devote serious effort or energy :
ENDEAVOR *strive to finish a project* 2 :
to struggle in opposition :
CONTEND synonyms see
ATTEMPTstrive' One will find what the LORD'S spirit is doing during man's probationary period. During this time it is:
devoting serious effort or energy,
endeavoring (
strive 1),
struggling in opposition, and
contending (
strive 2), with man.
Finally, what is the spirit of LORD striving for? Well, it is devoting serious effort and energy to supervise, direct, and convince man to repent and change. But as always, man will not listen and therefore does not change. So the spirit will wrap up it's investigation and produce a report which will be sent back to its SUPERIOR.
When sin and corruption are High, then know that the Judgement of the LORD is Nigh"
Genesis 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Proverbs 20:27 The spirit of man [is] the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man [are] clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.