Fresco, I do understand what you are saying, but I disagree. You and timber both say that "Religion plays games, science works". But the fact is it is the people who play the games. Not the foundation on which they are standing, whether that be science or religion. People twist things to fit their own agenda from both sides. Does that mean they are "backed" in what they are doing by everyone else involved in that? No. I don't believe so. Life is not a game (well at least I don't view it as such anyway) and really that's what all this is about. Life. How we live. What influences the things we do. How we react to people. How we react to the world that surrounds us. Whether you agree with this or not the fact is that what we believe directly effects every aspect of our lives.
Quote:The term "game" is apt because religion is an idiosyncratic bunch of rules and principles which are of dubious (or negative) benefit to humanity except as a "comfort factor".
You call it a "comfort factor" and maybe rightfully so, but tell me this fresco, what is wrong with wanting to feel loved, needed, accepted, whatever? I believe it is a base instinct in pretty much everyone to seek have those needs met in one way or another. "God" for some offers an ideal that strengthens them and helps them to get through things. Yeah, it's been pointed out several times that most radical believers have come out of things such as alcoholism, drugs, prostitution, basically extreme lifestyles. Why? I have a theory. Could be wrong... but I suspect it is because for whatever reason their world wasn't meeting those basic instincts they were born with, so they turned to something else. That didn't work either, so they turned to God.
Really what is wrong with that? Why does that make someone weak? By the time I was 24 years old I had been through more than most people go through in a lifetime... or two... I turned to "God" and that belief in something bigger that me, something... someone that actually cared about ME... is what was the driving force in my life to get where I am today. To be who I am today. Why does that make me weak in some peoples opinions? It blows my mind, and probably only mine because I'm the only one who has walked in my shoes. I'm the only one who lived the horrors of my life and survived it and I did what everyone does... I found what I needed to survive, I grabbed it, and ran with it.
The "game" part really comes into all this when people decide to start taking what they believe (regardless of what that is) and trying to manipulate others with it. I have seen this done with just about everything. Science, religion, politics, whatever. People do whatever they feel they have to do in order to meet their needs. That's really what it all boils down to. I don't think science is a bad thing. I think it can be a very useful tool. However, I also stand that technology, though intended to benefit us, has played a very distinctive role in the slow decay of our society. It benefits us in that it makes life "easier" for us in many ways.
Now we can send emails in a second verses a letter via pony express. We can pay for our gas at the pump, rather than going in and actually having to talk to someone. We can sit our kids down to play video games to keep them from whining, instead of actually spending time with them... The list goes on and on. These things, though intended for our entertainment, our ease, our pleasure are slowly eating away at our social system. Slowly making our world revolve around "me and only me". Which I'm sure sounds great to some, but we are by nature social creatures. You said:
"Such team spirit can indeed yield local "social benefits" but has been spectacularly unsuccessful on larger scales."
Has it really fresco? Not speaking specifically about religion here, but just in general. Has it really been that unsuccessful? Do you remember when we could leave our doors unlocked at night? When the kids could go out and play all day, unattended, and even into the late evening hours without even a second thought as to their whereabouts because there weren't sexual predators driving around looking for some little kid to walk by? Do you remember when school was about learning and there was no worry about being shot? Do you remember when neighbors used to actually say hello to each other on the street, have barbeques, introduce themselves to new neighbors? Do you remember ever having a bad morning and going in to pay for your gas and the clerk making you smile? I do. That used to happen to me a lot actually.
My point? These things are little. Very minute to some I'm sure. But their impact is far greater than can be seen by looking at one little aspect of it. These things effect all of us on some level. These things effect how we react to others. Who we will trust. What lengths we will go to, to protect ourselves and so on. So yeah, science has it's benefits, but it also has it's negatives as well. As does everything in life I suppose.
Whew... that was long... LOL I'll get off my soap box now... (oiy)