Cal wrote-
Quote:Personally, I know no woman who is dependent on her husband, even
if she stays at home with the kids. What you're having in your image
is a scenario of 1920 where motherhood was the only means for
women to gain recognition, and even there it wasn't always assured.
That's disingenuous Cal. Mom ruled the roost in the '20s. You are comparing a few examples of downtrodden women from those days which you have heard about because the contented ones didn't get publicity with the working women of today who are more or less wrung out from what I can see although I expect you will say they are all over the moon with their freedom to stand behind counters and checkout tills for eight hours a day.
Feminists have run women off a cliff as Schopenhauer predicted they would. Women have never had less power than they do today.They are in a daze. The better off they are and the better educated they are the dafter they are.
Nearly every female journalist who has run your agenda for 20 or 30 years is now back-tracking. A few have packed it in. An ex-editoress of Cosmopoltan has actually apologised on telly. And now Ms Greer seems to be in repentence.
But it's too late I'm afraid. You can have it. It's all yours as far as most men are concerned. Get running the country. Assertions count for nothing.
The sooner you take over the better. Bring the end on faster and get it over with. Women fronting programmes on football and rugby-how silly can they get? And as for being "embedded" with the Marine Corps- we all know what that means. The Officer's Mess.
Roll on the all woman House of Commons. We don't even want any token men. We'll go fishing.
It was never dependence/independence. It was partnership on the division of labour principle. Any man who gets married today has lost his marbles.
That's my take anyway. What do you think?