Wed 21 May, 2003 10:25 am
This may be a rerun, but I felt it worthy of a double take.
Who were you then, and who are you now?
(at risk of misunderstanding the question...)
Me, and me. Hopefully a little wiser and kinder now, hopefully a lot wiser and kinder in the future. But, then, my personality sort of set itself when I was wee.
My dad is convinced that the grown-up personality naturally follows the wee personality, and looking at myself, I tend to agree. Although I have learned a lot since I was a tot (heh heh, a rhyme) I am essentially the same person, with the same disgruntlement about facing the same problems in my life. I don't believe we are completely hard-wired to a particular personality, but I do believe that genetics can make it more difficult to become a 'new person', so to speak, and becoming someone you are not born to be just leads to misery.
Hey, patio,
As the twig is bent, I suppose. Glad you're still you.
"I was so much older then, i am younger then that now"
Yeah, like dys said.
Really, I feel as I age that I am more free to be me (I rhymed too!) and that allows me to be sillier and playful.
Hey, cav.
It's the nature-nurture thing, I guess. Basically, as I recall, the lecturer meant that we never quite outgrown our way of looking at the world, and the people in it. Wordsworth pointed out that the"....child is father of the man." As for me, I still tend to get hurt easily.
You're playin' my theme song, dys!
well i guess it's 2 steps forward, 1 step backwards.
from time to time it's vice versa
Guess it depends on your point of view.
Back then I was a goofball. Now I'm just immature.
Back then I was a jackass. Now I'm a complete jackass.
viz and dys and K,
Yawl always have a lot to say............soooooo I gotta believe that youth ain't wasted on the young
Hmmmm. John. How many times have I heard you say that you were in your second childhood. That's why I choose you to be my prom date. Pick me up at eight, and I would love a gardenia corsage.
vat iz zeese, how you zay ? gardenis corset
nah, beach. You're not a've just been readin A Midsummer's Night Dream" and got caught up in the roll.
er, beach. I should have said rock 'n roll..
Letty, I'm afraid you're gonna be sitting it out at the prom. I've been waiting for a dance with OaK for hours....(in the Salon)
Viz, better get outta that salon and get into a saloon. That's where all the action is.
What kinda corset is John talkin about?
Oh Viz, How sweet you are. Shall we be Fred and Ginger or Travolta and Olivia Neutron Bomb. But be gentle with me Viz, my experience is a might limited. And if you crush me, do it slowly please.
You can be very sweet yourself, dear OaK!
You choose the style, alright? That's the beauty of dancing in cyberspace...we can all be superb dancers here!
Meet you at Lola's........ (twirls out the door)
I am still as I was as a small child, i.e., a person with an insatiable sense of wonder. I have come to realize that if I lose that sense, then I am a goner.
(No, I don't dance.)