Booman lovable? I think not.
Extremely lovable, however, is another story..... :wink:
If you say so Letty, must be why I'm so lovable, huh?

(Don't answer that; you're responsible for my head being swelled already. :wink: )
Boo, you be good;
Thou swell! Thou witty!
Thou sweet! Thou grand!
Wouldst kiss me pretty?
Wouldst hold my hand?
Both thine eyes are cute too;
What they do to me.
Hear me holler I choose a Sweet lollapaloosa in thee.
I'd feel so rich in a hut for two;
Two rooms and a kitchen I'm sure would do;
Give me just a plot of,
Not a lot of land,
And Thou swell! Thou Witty! Thou Grand!
Lorenz Hart
Goodnigh yawl
Hey, Rae.
and you are quite endearing yourself. Here's what you were and here's what you are:
A Rae-nbow
A spectrum
A bee's processed nectarum