msolga wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:I don't think so. I think most everyone still uniformly respects the beliefs of the Amish and other true believers in Pacifism. At the same time; I think too many far more moderate Liberals hide behind the Pacifist ideals, only when it suits them. This is (one reason) why I think "Liberalism" has become a dirty word in certain circles... but I don't think Pacifism has.
Could you give us a few examples, Bill? (to the bit of your post I've italicized.) I'm not exactly sure what you mean here.
I've had a few beers tonight, so I don't know how well I can articulate my thoughts, but I'll try.
I have always had mad respect for the man who can
truly turn the other cheek. That's quite a thing, that. I don't mean the coward who sees wrong and is paralyzed into inaction until someone like me acts... I mean the man who truly is incapable of violence. That may very well have been Jesus... and that is a beautiful thing.
I believe my stepfather is such a man... or was meant to be... but Vietnam changed that... though only briefly. The man has been plagued by what he had to do then... and pretty much has been ever since. Big, strong man who has never, ever, been in a fight in his whole life outside of that experience. I doubt he ever would have... or will be again.
My best friend in the whole world, too, has never been in a fight. He's a bigger man than I, but I've always jumped in front of him before the proverbial sh!t hit the fan. The one time I know of, when I wasn't there, he called me with a terrible feeling of guilt that he wasn't capable of violence when a situation called for it... Actually that's come up twice. Both times, I did my damnedest to let him know the truth; that's part of what makes him the better man than me. And make no mistake; he is the better man. Anything ya'll might like about me, probably rubbed off of him.
That's probably too much background info for an answer, sorry. Like I said, I've had a few...
The italicized portion refers to those who mostly disagree with our (the US's) current actions... who aren't necessarily against action... just against this action or that. The majority, or so it seems to me, who are against this war or that aren't necessarily against
all war... just those they view as unjust. This isn't a true Pacifist's point of view. My stepfather believed in the righteousness of Vietnam, but would,
could, never have volunteered for it because he is a
natural pacifist. Entirely too often, IMO, Liberals (who I'll remind ya'll for the zillionth time are people I respect and a few are my favorite people in the whole world) play the "Pacifist" card when the simple truth is that they believe we're wrong in this offensive or that. Since the majority would support a just War, like that against a "Hitler", reaching for the "Pacifist" card is as disingenuous as the Nazi calling for Nationalism.
I'll continue to respect Liberals and Pacifists alike for various reasons, but I can not accept that the Liberal who claims Pacifist reasoning when it's convenient, but not ALWAYS... has any respect coming for his/her Pacifism. That just doesn't add up.