Fri 30 Jun, 2006 11:31 am
I'm getting popunders when on A2K all of a sudden. Anyone else? It happens a lot when I use my scroll mouse button.
EDIT (Moderator): Moved to Forum Help from General
Just got another one.
I've run all my Spyware detectors and nothing is showing up.
I've gotten it several times now. I cleared all my cache and cookies, ran Spybot and AdAware - no luck.
I had that problem the other day - softwear affiliates. It was driving me nuts. I did the same thing you did but I also put them into "Restricted Sites" and now I'm not getting them anymore.
Strongly doubt it has anything to do with A2K - its a hijack of sorts; most likely to be the result of a driveby ActiveX installation on your particular machines ... typically picked up via visting an unscrupulous, if not outright malicious, website. Its quite possible using some feature or function on such a website surreptitiosly installed the control.
I only saw it when I had A2K active.
My IE popup blocker was turned off but the Google popup blocker was on. I turned the IE one back on and put that website into the blocked list.
So far, so good.
Same here!
I would be viewing A2K and a tiny little square would pop up in the upper left corner and then disappear. As I watched the little task bar thingy (along the bottom that shows what windows are open) just started filling up with pop ups.
It didn't happen with any other pages and I only looked at maybe 4 sites yesterday.
Did a bit more research; there is no connection to A2K. The popunders indeed are being spawned by an ActiveX control, which seems to key off the "greenies" - the advertising-linked underlined words/terms employed by many websites, including A2K. Apparently, this is relatively new, at least this particular itteration of the hijack - the website evidently responisble - - traces to South America, is a recent registration, and in general seems to meet the requirements for being considered a baddie.
So how the heck do I get rid of it?
Yeah - I still have something going on but it isn't so bad now.
When I look in my "temporary internet files" doohicky there are a lot of strange things showing up -- besides the usual A2K deals there is something that says:
I've not noticed that before (just
Is that intellitxt thing okay?
I just disabled all of my ActiveX settings to try and stop this crap. GRRRR!
Tools-Internet Options-Security-Custom Level
This just started happening. I hope that Craven can do something about it. I need my Active X controls for some sites.
So Timber, are you saying we all have some nasty ActiveX spyware/crap on our PC's that is activated by the hot linked text of A2K?
If so, I cannot find it. What would you recommend?
I just disable the Active X control that says "Initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe." That seems to have stopped the popunders but still lets me acess all the features of other sites. I'll have to wait and see if it completely solves the pounder problem, but so far so good.
Today I'm getting popups, but my popup blocker is blocking them. Still annoying.
I am still having problems with this - but only on A2K.
I did what Swimpy suggested, but that doesn't seem to stop it.
What the heck do I do other than turn off ActiveX completely?
Am I infected with some kind of malware?
According to Craven, it isn't A2K's fault.
I get them sporadically, still. Somedays yes. Somedays no. Today no. I don't know what is causing it. I've used all the yuckware scans I have. Didn't find much. I don't have the problem on any other site. If it continues, I will have to stop coming here, I guess.