Generations of Noah (Walk)
Gen. 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
Amongst today's Believers there is a misconception that the life in God requires no accountability for One's physical actions. Believers have been taught that action has very little weight, while talk accounts for much. This type of mind-set has led to today's anything goes mentality which is seen amongst those who are called. With this mentality in hand many behave in any manner; and with no shame these continue to claim the label of Christ.
The questions that One should ask is, if one is not held to account for their actions, why should One act accordingly? If one can behave in any kind of fashion and still attain heaven, then why should one change? What is the purpose of the name of Christ if One can still behave the same way after they have come into his revelation. If action accounts for very little, then what purpose does it serve.
Many have yet to comprehend that if One is to follow God, they must do it with all of their hearts and all of their might. Following God requires a pursuit in the physical as well as the pursuit in the mental and spiritual. Those who are God's are different in their speech as well as their actions. Both their speech and action is what separates them from the populace.
Generations of Noah (State or Condition), we learned that above all the other generations, Noah's status is ranked by God as just and perfect. The questions that many people have not stopped to ask is, What does Noah do to attain this rank? How is God able to tell the difference between the generations of Noah and the rest? Was it from what he said, or was it from what he did? In Genesis 6:9 we are given this answer.
Gen. 6:9 (
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with GodDefinitions (Merriam Webster)
Walk : (vrb) 3 a :
to pursue a course of action or way of life :
conduct oneself :
BEHAVE *walk warily* b :
to be or act in association :
continue in union Behave : (vrb) trans verb 1 :
to manage the actions of (oneself) in a particular way 2 :
to conduct (oneself) in a proper manner intrans verb 1 :
to act, function, or react in a particular way 2 :
to conduct oneself properly
Walk : (n) 7 :
manner of living :
Conduct : (n) 3 :
a mode or standard of personal behavior especially as based on moral principles *questionable conduct*
Behavior : (n) a :
the manner of conducting oneself b :
anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation c :
the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment 2 :
the way in which someone behaves;
also : an instance of such behavior 3 :
the way in which something functions or operates,
In the meanings of walk One will find what Noah did to walk with God. By implanting the definition into the verse One will get a clearer understanding of the verse and Noah's walk with God.
A. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah
pursued a course of action or way of life, conducted himself, and behaved with God. (
Walk 3a)
B. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah
was in association, and continued in union with God (
Walk 3b).
Now, after examining the definitions of walk and all of the meanings which are associated with it, the first thing that One should see is that they all have one thing in common. One should notice that all things associated with walk deal with or evolve from action. Behavior requires action. Conduct requires action. To be in association or union with another requires action.
What this information immediately tells us are the five things that the generations of Noah have figured out. First, walking is a choice. One can choose to walk with or against God. This choice begins when One is able to distinguish right from wrong. Secondly, there is the fact that One cannot walk with God in speech alone. This means that it is impossible to follow an individual who is walking while One is only talking. If One chooses to talk, then they must also walk. For with talk alone, One will be left behind. Thirdly, it is impossible to walk with God without action. Those who claim to follow God cannot sit while he is the only One walking. As he acts, they must also act. As he moves, they must also move. Fourthly, God knows his people because of their walk. One cannot truly know an individual without interaction. The time that One spends in walking is the time that One spends in interaction and association. The Believer cannot interact with God if they are inert while he is walking. Fifthly, the walk with God is continuous. To walk with God One must make a total commitment. One cannot afford to walk today but skip tomorrow. One cannot afford to walk at home, but not at work. One cannot afford to walk in the morning but not at night. One cannot afford to walk amongst family but not amongst friends. God walks at all times, so must the Believer. There is no in between with God. One must either be hot, and devote their entire lives to him, or One can choose to be cold and devote their entire lives to fleshly pursuits. But One cannot be lukewarm, for as it is stated in the scriptures, they will be spewed out (Rev. 3:16). There is nothing more disgusting than the taste of lukewarm water when One is looking to be refreshed. More respect is given to the individual who wholeheartedly chooses the pursuits of earthly life, then they who halfheartedly choose to walk with God.
Finally, this walk is how God comes to know Noah. This is how Noah comes to know God. This is how Noah attains that status of just and perfect. This is how God knows that Noah will prepare the ark when told. This is how Noah knows that God has told him the truth about that end. It is because of that long and continuous walk. The walk that goes over many hills and mountains. That walk that goes through the valley of shadow of death. The walk that leads through floods. The walk that continues in snow, sleet, and hail. The walk that goes through that scorching noonday heat and continues into the cold of the night. The walk that moves One from darkness into the light. It is in that walk that God sees the expression of Noah's love and commitment.
Without the change of action, there can be no repentance."
Jeremiah 7:9 Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;
Jeremiah 13:10 This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing.
Ezekiel 11:21 But [as for them] whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD.