Generations of Noah (State or Condition)
Genesis 6:11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
Genesis 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
Generations of Noah (Status) we discovered that in relation to other surrounding groups, a group of individuals who comprise a specific generation will always contemporaneously hold a certain status for a limited period. This status includes that groups position or rank in relation to others, the condition of that group in the eyes of the law, and the state or condition of that group with respect to circumstances. This status which is evident in all generations are identifying markers which distinguish them.
Generations of Noah (Period) we learned that all generational periods also have identifying markers. These markers are tangible or observable phenomena. They may range anywhere from an exceptional invention, to an unusual, or abnormal person or occurrence. The periods and the status of the generations of Noah are no different. They are also distinguished by these tangible and observable markers. Today as we continue let us examine how God uses these markers to determine the status of Noah.
One of the biggest determinants of status may be found in the circumstances or events which a generation is born under. Each generation grows up under different circumstances, therefore each will eventually be in a different state or condition. These events or lack of events will help define the nature or character of each group. For example, if One were to examine and compare the generations of Americans who were born during the Great Depression and Word World War II with those generations which were born after that period, One will notice a marked difference in their states or conditions. This is because these generations were all born under different circumstances. Those born under the events of the Great Depression and WWII were born in very trying times, so their temper of mind, manners, and ways will reflect this.
Many of those who are born after those periods were born under more pleasant circumstances. Many were not tested and tried by the events of war and hunger. They were not made to sacrifice or endure great pain. Instead, many grew up spoiled, sheltered and in relative peace and prosperity, so their temper of mind, manners, and ways will reflect this. Therefore each generations state or condition with respect to these circumstances or lack of circumstances determined their status.
Now, the state or condition of the generations of Noah is also determined by certain circumstances or events which are present during their existence. In Generations of Noah (Period) we examined those circumstances in respects to the period. Now we shall examine them in respects to Noah. After examining them, we will find out why and how their status is regarded as such by the Living God (
Gen. 6:8). Let us once again examine those circumstances.
In Gen. 6:11 we can find that corruption and violence are the circumstances which help determine the status of Noah's generation.
Genesis 6:11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. Let us therefore define "
corrupt" and "
violence" so that we can fully understand the message.
Definition (Merriam Webster)
Corrupt: (adj) 1 a :
morally degenerate and perverted : DEPRAVED b :
characterized by improper conduct (
as bribery or the selling of favors) *corrupt judges* 2 :
adulterated or debased by change from an original or correct condition *a corrupt version of the text*
synonyms see
Violence: 1 a :
exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse (
as in warfare effecting illegal entry into a house) b :
an instance of violent treatment or procedure 2 :
injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : OUTRAGE 3 a :
intense, turbulent, or furious and often destructive action or force *the violence of the storm* b :
vehement feeling or expression : FERVOR; also :
an instance of such action or feeling c :
a clashing or jarring quality : DISCORDANCE 4 :
undue alteration (
as of wording or sense in editing a text)
In the definitions of corrupt and violence God has given Believers the precise circumstances which the generations of Noah are existing under. During this time the surrounding generations have become
morally degenerate and perverted, depraved (
corrupt 1a),
characterized by improper conduct (
as bribery or the selling of favors) (
corrupt 1b) ,
putrid, tainted (
corrupt 2), and
adulterated or debased by change from an original or correct condition (
corrupt 3).
Also during this time the surrounding generations are championing and welcoming
exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse (
as in warfare effecting illegal entry into a house) (
violence 1a),
an instance of violent treatment or procedure (
violence 1b),
injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation , outrage (
violence 2), intense, turbulent, or furious and often destructive action or force (
violence 3a) . They are filled with
vehement feeling or expression, fervor (
violence 3b),
clashing or jarring qualities, and discordance (
violence 3c). And there is
an undue alteration (
as of wording or sense in editing a text) (
violence 4).
All of these illegal and improper acts which are found in the definitions of corrupt and violence are occurring during the time of the generations of Noah. They are occurring with such frequency and abundance that they have become accepted as normal and right. Those who refuse to support or partake of such illegal activities, are accounted as traitors and therefore worthy of death; while the perpetrators of such acts are held in high esteem by the populace.
The most remarkable part is that the generations of Noah remain incorruptible. They will eschew evil no matter what (
1Pet. 3:11, Job 1:8). They will refuse to partake of and give sanction to the corruption and violence that is taking place in their world. They will not and cannot be bribed. They will refuse to accept outrage. They will refuse to be moved by vehement feelings or expressions. Though they are in the minority and the pressure is overwhelming, they will walk with God and remain steadfast to what is righteous. And because of their mind-set and effort under such overwhelming circumstances, Noah achieves two things. First, above all the surrounding generations their status is ranked as just and perfect by The True and Living God. Secondly, they find grace in the eyes of the LORD.
Finally, as you may see, the circumstances which Noah lives under are horrific, but they are necessary. Without these circumstances their can be no distinction between those who are Gods and those who are pretending. You see, those who are ungodly have no problem in participating and sanctioning violence and corruption. Those who are upright will refuse to welcome such behavior under any circumstance and at all cost. Therefore, by living under such overwhelming circumstances God can see who is who. Who is true? Who is a wheat? Who is a tare? Who is studying? Who is not studying? Who is hot? Who is cold? Who is lukewarm? Who is just there for the loaves and fishes? It is easy to talk the talk, but can they who claim also walk the walk.
For One that is able, verbal speech alone does not communicate their walk with God."
Proverbs 30:14 [There is] a generation, whose teeth [are as] swords, and their jaw teeth [as] knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from [among] men.
Matthew 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.